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This sample illustrates how to stream Azure Kinect image data to python. It first creates a pipe server in c++ to read depth and ab captures from Azure Kinect, and then on python code create a pipe client to read the images.

(1) PipeServer in c++: open pipe_streaming_example.sln in VisualStudio 2019, Release x64, build the solution, you can find pipe_streaming_example.exe in F:\CNTKRepo\Azure-Kinect-Samples\pipe-to-python-samples\x64\Release

(PS: it also works in VS2017, just need to change Platform Toolset from v142 to v141)

PS: It is created by combining the NamedPipe example from and Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK streaming example from

() PipeClient in python (tested with Python3.6): creates a pipe client to read the streamed images and visualize them in opencv, you need to: pip install matplotlib, opencv-python, Pypiwin32

Use on the command line as follows:

pipe_streaming_example.exe // start a pipe server to stream depth/ab frames
python.exe // read the streamed images out in python, then do your stuff on these images in python, exit by pressing "Esc"....