using Microsoft.Azure.Kinect.BodyTracking; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Skeleton : MonoBehaviour { #region Enumerations public enum Visibility { InFocus, OutOfFocus, Disappeared } // Holds list of body parts which exist in model but are not all followed by sensor. // Additional transformations should be applied after joints are moved (scale, align). public enum BodyParts { Head, Chest, RightBicep, LeftBicep, RightForeArm, LeftForeArm, Hips, RightThigh, LeftThigh, RightShin, LeftShin, RightHand, LeftHand } // BoneTransformation class represents single transformation which is going to be applied on body part. // On single body part can be applied chain of transformations. private class BoneTransformation { #region Body transformations public enum Transformations { // In case body part is attached to joint and move together with joint (head on neck). AttachToJoint, // In case body part is attached to position between joint and middle of other two joints(hips on model). AttachToPositionJointAndMiddleJoints, // In case body part should be scaled between two joints (bicep between elbow and shoulder). ScaleBetweenJoints, // In case body part should be scaled between joint and middle of two joints. ScaleBetweenJointAndMiddleJoints, //Align with direction between two joints. AlignJointToJoint, //Align with direction between two joint to middle between two joints. AlignJointToMiddleJoints, //Align with direction between middle to joints with between two joints. AlignMiddleJointsToMiddleJoints } #endregion // Reference to game object which is going to be deformed. public Transform bodyPart; // Actions which are going to be applied to body part. public Transformations action; // List of joints for given body part. public List joints = new List(); // Axis between joints, calculate scale factor. public string aligningAxis; // Original bone size used to scale after reative joint positions changed. public float originalSize; // Original local scale in imported 3D model. public Vector3 originalLocalScale; public BoneTransformation( Transform bp, Transformations act, List betweenJoints, string axis, float bs) { bodyPart = bp; action = act; joints = betweenJoints; aligningAxis = axis; originalSize = bs; originalLocalScale = bp.localScale; } } // Holds reference to transform object and original scale of joint. private class JointTransformation { public JointTransformation(Transform trans) { transformation = trans; originalLocalScale = trans.localScale; } public Transform transformation; public Vector3 originalLocalScale; } #endregion #region skin materials public Material inFocusMaterial; public Material outOfFocusMaterial; public List skin = new List(); #endregion [Tooltip("True in case you want to hide bones on scene")] public bool hideBones; // Holds references to joints in model. private Dictionary jointCache = new Dictionary(); // Holds original scale of joints. private Dictionary jointOriginalLocalScale = new Dictionary(); // Holds references to transformations and body parts in model. private Dictionary> bodyPartCache = new Dictionary>(); // Defines list of joints which are represented in 3D model. private List jointsMapper = new List() { JointId.Pelvis, JointId.EarRight, JointId.EarLeft, JointId.Head, JointId.Neck, JointId.ShoulderRight, JointId.ShoulderLeft, JointId.ElbowRight, JointId.ElbowLeft, JointId.WristRight, JointId.WristLeft, JointId.SpineNavel, JointId.HipRight, JointId.HipLeft, JointId.KneeRight, JointId.KneeLeft, JointId.AnkleRight, JointId.AnkleLeft }; public List JointsMapper => jointsMapper; public enum TrackerBody { closestBodyTracker1, closestBodyTracker2 }; // Holds value of initial position. Used later to scale model in that way to preserve same ratio and layout. private Dictionary initialJointPositions = new Dictionary(); // Holds value of the latest received position. private Dictionary currentJointPositions = new Dictionary(); // Holds value of initial position. private Dictionary initialBodyPartPositions = new Dictionary(); #region Unity callbacks // Start is called before the first frame update void Awake() { InitializeSkinParts(); InitializeJoints(); InitializeBodyParts(); SaveInitialSkeletonPosition(); ManageBonesVisibility(); ChangeMaterial(outOfFocusMaterial); } #endregion // Cache all parts of body which are renderer. private void InitializeSkinParts() { foreach (Transform child in transform) { if (child.GetComponent() != null) { skin.Add(child.GetComponent()); } } } // Changing material of all rendered data. private void ChangeMaterial(Material newMaterial) { foreach (Renderer renderer in skin) { renderer.material = newMaterial; } } // Invisible, holo and opaque. public void SetVisibility(Visibility visible) { if (visible == Visibility.InFocus) { gameObject.SetActive(true); ChangeMaterial(inFocusMaterial); } else if (visible == Visibility.OutOfFocus) { gameObject.SetActive(true); ChangeMaterial(outOfFocusMaterial); } else if (visible == Visibility.Disappeared) { gameObject.SetActive(false); ChangeMaterial(outOfFocusMaterial); } } #region Skeletal functions private void InitializeBodyParts() { bodyPartCache[BodyParts.RightHand] = new List(){ new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("R_hand"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.AlignJointToJoint, new List { JointId.ElbowRight, JointId.WristRight }, "x", 0.0f) }; bodyPartCache[BodyParts.LeftHand] = new List(){ new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("L_hand"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.AlignJointToJoint, new List { JointId.ElbowLeft, JointId.WristLeft }, "-x", 0.0f) }; bodyPartCache[BodyParts.Head] = new List(){ new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("head"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.AttachToJoint, new List { JointId.Neck }, "x", 0.0f), new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("head"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.AlignJointToMiddleJoints, new List { JointId.Neck, JointId.EarRight, JointId.EarLeft}, "-y", 0.0f) }; bodyPartCache[BodyParts.Chest] = new List(){ new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("chest"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.ScaleBetweenJoints, new List { JointId.ShoulderLeft, JointId.ShoulderRight }, "xz", Vector3.Distance( jointCache[JointId.ShoulderLeft].transformation.position, jointCache[JointId.ShoulderRight].transformation.position)), new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("chest"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.ScaleBetweenJoints, new List { JointId.SpineNavel, JointId.ShoulderRight}, "y", Vector3.Distance(jointCache[JointId.ShoulderLeft].transformation.position, jointCache[JointId.SpineNavel].transformation.position)), new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("chest"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.AttachToPositionJointAndMiddleJoints, new List { JointId.SpineNavel, JointId.ShoulderLeft, JointId.ShoulderRight }, "x", 0.0f), new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("chest"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.AlignJointToJoint, new List { JointId.ShoulderLeft, JointId.ShoulderRight }, "x", 0.0f), new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("chest"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.AlignJointToJoint, new List { JointId.SpineNavel, JointId.Pelvis }, "y", 0.0f) }; bodyPartCache[BodyParts.Hips] = new List(){ new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("hips"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.ScaleBetweenJoints, new List { JointId.HipLeft, JointId.HipRight }, "x", Vector3.Distance( jointCache[JointId.HipLeft].transformation.position, jointCache[JointId.HipRight].transformation.position)), new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("hips"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.ScaleBetweenJoints, new List { JointId.SpineNavel, JointId.HipRight }, "yz", Vector3.Distance( jointCache[JointId.SpineNavel].transformation.position, jointCache[JointId.HipRight].transformation.position)), new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("hips"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.AlignJointToJoint, new List { JointId.HipLeft, JointId.HipRight }, "x", 0.0f), new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("hips"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.AlignJointToMiddleJoints, new List { JointId.SpineNavel, JointId.HipLeft, JointId.HipRight }, "y", 0.0f), new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("hips"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.AttachToPositionJointAndMiddleJoints, new List { JointId.SpineNavel, JointId.HipLeft, JointId.HipRight }, "x", 0.0f)}; bodyPartCache[BodyParts.RightBicep] = new List(){ new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("R_bicep"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.ScaleBetweenJoints, new List { JointId.ShoulderRight, JointId.ElbowRight }, "x", Vector3.Distance( jointCache[JointId.ShoulderRight].transformation.position, jointCache[JointId.ElbowRight].transformation.position)) }; bodyPartCache[BodyParts.RightForeArm] = new List(){ new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("R_forearm"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.ScaleBetweenJoints, new List { JointId.ElbowRight, JointId.WristRight }, "x", Vector3.Distance( jointCache[JointId.ElbowRight].transformation.position, jointCache[JointId.WristRight].transformation.position)) }; bodyPartCache[BodyParts.LeftBicep] = new List(){ new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("L_bicep"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.ScaleBetweenJoints, new List { JointId.ShoulderLeft, JointId.ElbowLeft }, "-x", Vector3.Distance(jointCache[JointId.ShoulderLeft].transformation.position, jointCache[JointId.ElbowLeft].transformation.position)) }; bodyPartCache[BodyParts.LeftForeArm] = new List(){ new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("L_forearm"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.ScaleBetweenJoints, new List { JointId.ElbowLeft, JointId.WristLeft}, "-x", Vector3.Distance(jointCache[JointId.ElbowLeft].transformation.position, jointCache[JointId.WristLeft].transformation.position)) }; bodyPartCache[BodyParts.RightThigh] = new List(){ new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("R_thigh"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.ScaleBetweenJoints, new List { JointId.HipRight, JointId.KneeRight }, "y", Vector3.Distance(jointCache[JointId.HipRight].transformation.position, jointCache[JointId.KneeRight].transformation.position)) }; bodyPartCache[BodyParts.LeftThigh] = new List(){ new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("L_thigh"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.ScaleBetweenJoints, new List { JointId.HipLeft, JointId.KneeLeft }, "y", Vector3.Distance(jointCache[JointId.HipLeft].transformation.position, jointCache[JointId.KneeRight].transformation.position)) }; bodyPartCache[BodyParts.RightShin] = new List(){ new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("R_shin"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.ScaleBetweenJoints, new List { JointId.KneeRight, JointId.AnkleRight }, "y", Vector3.Distance(jointCache[JointId.KneeRight].transformation.position, jointCache[JointId.AnkleRight].transformation.position)) }; bodyPartCache[BodyParts.LeftShin] = new List(){ new BoneTransformation( transform.Find("L_shin"), BoneTransformation.Transformations.ScaleBetweenJoints, new List { JointId.KneeLeft, JointId.AnkleLeft}, "y", Vector3.Distance(jointCache[JointId.KneeLeft].transformation.position, jointCache[JointId.AnkleLeft].transformation.position)) }; } // Cache joints from model. // Model dependent. private void InitializeJoints() { jointCache[JointId.Pelvis] = new JointTransformation(transform.Find("pelvis")); jointCache[JointId.EarRight] = new JointTransformation(transform.Find("R_ear")); jointCache[JointId.EarLeft] = new JointTransformation(transform.Find("L_ear")); jointCache[JointId.Head] = new JointTransformation(transform.Find("head")); jointCache[JointId.Neck] = new JointTransformation(transform.Find("neck")); jointCache[JointId.ShoulderRight] = new JointTransformation(transform.Find("R_shoulder")); jointCache[JointId.ShoulderLeft] = new JointTransformation(transform.Find("L_shoulder")); jointCache[JointId.ElbowRight] = new JointTransformation(transform.Find("R_elbow")); jointCache[JointId.ElbowLeft] = new JointTransformation(transform.Find("L_elbow")); jointCache[JointId.WristRight] = new JointTransformation(transform.Find("R_hand")); jointCache[JointId.WristLeft] = new JointTransformation(transform.Find("L_hand")); jointCache[JointId.SpineNavel] = new JointTransformation(transform.Find("waist")); jointCache[JointId.HipRight] = new JointTransformation(transform.Find("R_hip")); jointCache[JointId.HipLeft] = new JointTransformation(transform.Find("L_hip")); jointCache[JointId.KneeRight] = new JointTransformation(transform.Find("R_knee")); jointCache[JointId.KneeLeft] = new JointTransformation(transform.Find("L_knee")); jointCache[JointId.AnkleRight] = new JointTransformation(transform.Find("R_ankle")); jointCache[JointId.AnkleLeft] = new JointTransformation(transform.Find("L_ankle")); } // Saves initial positon of skeleton before moving. private void SaveInitialSkeletonPosition() { foreach (KeyValuePair entry in jointCache) { initialJointPositions[entry.Key] = jointCache[entry.Key].transformation.position; } foreach (KeyValuePair> entry in bodyPartCache) { initialBodyPartPositions[entry.Key] = bodyPartCache[entry.Key][0].bodyPart.position; } } // Move joints to new positions. private void MoveJoints() { foreach (KeyValuePair entry in jointCache) { entry.Value.transformation.position = ReadPositionOfJoint(entry.Key); } } // Move/scale/align body parts. // Move/scale/align body parts. private void MoveBones() { foreach (KeyValuePair> entry in bodyPartCache) { foreach (BoneTransformation transformation in entry.Value) { BoneTransformation bodyPart = transformation; if (bodyPart.action == BoneTransformation.Transformations.AttachToJoint) { AttachToJointTransformation(entry.Key, bodyPart); } else if (bodyPart.action == BoneTransformation.Transformations.AttachToPositionJointAndMiddleJoints) { AttachToPositionJointAndMiddleJointsTransformation(entry.Key, bodyPart); } else if (bodyPart.action == BoneTransformation.Transformations.ScaleBetweenJoints) { ScaleBetweenJointsTransformation(bodyPart); } else if (bodyPart.action == BoneTransformation.Transformations.ScaleBetweenJointAndMiddleJoints) { ScaleBetweenJointAndMiddleJointsTransformation(bodyPart); } else if (bodyPart.action == BoneTransformation.Transformations.AlignJointToJoint) { AlignTwoJointsTransformation(bodyPart); } else if (bodyPart.action == BoneTransformation.Transformations.AlignJointToMiddleJoints) { AlignJointToMiddleJointsTransformation(bodyPart); } } } } // Finds average scale value of forearm and thigh and applies to joints. // All joints are uniformly scaled. private void RescaleJoints() { float scaleFactor = (FindBoneScaleFactor(BodyParts.LeftForeArm) + FindBoneScaleFactor(BodyParts.RightForeArm) + FindBoneScaleFactor(BodyParts.LeftThigh) + FindBoneScaleFactor(BodyParts.RightThigh)) / 4.0f; foreach (KeyValuePair entry in jointCache) { Vector3 ls = entry.Value.originalLocalScale; entry.Value.transformation.localScale = new Vector3( ls.x * scaleFactor, ls.y * scaleFactor, ls.z * scaleFactor); } } // Read new positions for joints and applies to appropriate joint new position. public void RepositionInWorld() { MoveJoints(); MoveBones(); RescaleJoints(); } // Set position of bone to the middle of joints. private void SetBoneToPosition(BoneTransformation bodyPart, Vector3 start, Vector3 end) { bodyPart.bodyPart.position = (start + end) / 2; } // Align bone with direction. private void AlignWithAxis( BoneTransformation bodyPart, Vector3 start, Vector3 end, string axis) { Vector3 axisAlign =; if (axis == "x") { axisAlign = bodyPart.bodyPart.right; } else if (axis == "-x") { axisAlign = -bodyPart.bodyPart.right; } else if (axis == "y") { axisAlign = -bodyPart.bodyPart.up; } else if (axis == "-y") { axisAlign = bodyPart.bodyPart.up; } // Allign bone with appropriate direction determined by joints. Vector3 v = end - start; var q = UnityEngine.Quaternion.FromToRotation(axisAlign, v); bodyPart.bodyPart.rotation = q * bodyPart.bodyPart.rotation; } // Scale bone to reflect new size between joints. private void ScaleBone( BoneTransformation bodyPart, Vector3 start, Vector3 end, string axis, float size) { MeshRenderer renderer = bodyPart.bodyPart.gameObject.GetComponent(); if (renderer != null) { float distance = Vector3.Distance(end, start); float scale = distance / size; float scaleX = 1.0f; float scaleY = 1.0f; float scaleZ = 1.0f; if (axis.Contains("x")) { scaleX = scale; } if (axis.Contains("y")) { scaleY = scale; } if (axis.Contains("z")) { scaleZ = scale; } Vector3 origScale = bodyPart.originalLocalScale; bodyPart.bodyPart.localScale = new Vector3( origScale.x * scaleX, origScale.y * scaleY, origScale.z * scaleZ); } } // Show or hide bones on skeleton. private void ManageBonesVisibility() { if (hideBones) { foreach (KeyValuePair> entry in bodyPartCache) { entry.Value[0].bodyPart.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } #region Transformation functions // Move object relativelly to attached. private void AttachToJointTransformation( BodyParts bodyPartKey, BoneTransformation bodyPart) { JointId attachedToJoint = bodyPart.joints[0]; Vector3 delta = initialBodyPartPositions[bodyPartKey] - initialJointPositions[attachedToJoint]; bodyPart.bodyPart.position = jointCache[attachedToJoint].transformation.position + delta; } private void AttachToPositionJointAndMiddleJointsTransformation( BodyParts bodyPartKey, BoneTransformation bodyPart) { JointId singleJoint = bodyPart.joints[0]; JointId middleJoint1 = bodyPart.joints[1]; JointId middleJoint2 = bodyPart.joints[2]; Vector3 singleJointPosition = jointCache[singleJoint].transformation.position; Vector3 middleJointPosition = (jointCache[middleJoint1].transformation.position + jointCache[middleJoint2].transformation.position) / 2.0f; bodyPart.bodyPart.position = (singleJointPosition + middleJointPosition) / 2.0f; } // Rotate and scale gameobject by x axis between positions. private void ScaleBetweenJointsTransformation(BoneTransformation bodyPart) { JointId fromJoint = bodyPart.joints[0]; JointId toJoint = bodyPart.joints[1]; Vector3 start = jointCache[fromJoint].transformation.position; Vector3 end = jointCache[toJoint].transformation.position; string axis = bodyPart.aligningAxis; float size = bodyPart.originalSize; SetBoneToPosition(bodyPart, start, end); AlignWithAxis(bodyPart, start, end, axis); ScaleBone(bodyPart, start, end, axis, size); } // Rotate and scale gameobject by x axis between positions. private void ScaleBetweenJointAndMiddleJointsTransformation(BoneTransformation bodyPart) { JointId fromJoint = bodyPart.joints[0]; JointId middleJoint1 = bodyPart.joints[1]; JointId middleJoint2 = bodyPart.joints[2]; Vector3 start = jointCache[fromJoint].transformation.position; Vector3 end = (jointCache[middleJoint1].transformation.position + jointCache[middleJoint2].transformation.position) / 2; string axis = bodyPart.aligningAxis; float size = bodyPart.originalSize; ScaleBone(bodyPart, start, end, axis, size); } // TODO refactor tobe one with AlignWithAxis. // Align object by given axis with another objects. private void AlignTwoJointsTransformation(BoneTransformation bodyPart) { JointId fromJoint = bodyPart.joints[0]; JointId toJoint = bodyPart.joints[1]; Vector3 start = jointCache[fromJoint].transformation.position; Vector3 end = jointCache[toJoint].transformation.position; string axis = bodyPart.aligningAxis; AlignWithAxis(bodyPart, start, end, axis); } private void AlignJointToMiddleJointsTransformation(BoneTransformation bodyPart) { JointId fromJoint = bodyPart.joints[0]; JointId middleJoint1 = bodyPart.joints[1]; JointId middleJoint2 = bodyPart.joints[2]; Vector3 start = jointCache[fromJoint].transformation.position; Vector3 end = (jointCache[middleJoint1].transformation.position + jointCache[middleJoint2].transformation.position) / 2; string axis = bodyPart.aligningAxis; AlignWithAxis(bodyPart, start, end, axis); } // Rotate and scale gameobject by x axis between positions. private void ScaleTransformation(BoneTransformation bodyPart) { JointId fromJoint = bodyPart.joints[0]; JointId toJoint = bodyPart.joints[1]; Vector3 start = jointCache[fromJoint].transformation.position; Vector3 end = jointCache[toJoint].transformation.position; string axis = bodyPart.aligningAxis; float size = bodyPart.originalSize; SetBoneToPosition(bodyPart, start, end); AlignWithAxis(bodyPart, start, end, axis); ScaleBone(bodyPart, start, end, axis, size); } // TODO refactor tobe one with AlignWithAxis. // Align object by given axis with another objects. private void AlignTransformation(BoneTransformation bodyPart) { JointId fromJoint = bodyPart.joints[0]; JointId toJoint = bodyPart.joints[1]; Vector3 start = jointCache[fromJoint].transformation.position; Vector3 end = jointCache[toJoint].transformation.position; string axis = bodyPart.aligningAxis; AlignWithAxis(bodyPart, start, end, axis); } #endregion // Finds scale factor for given bone/part of body. private float FindBoneScaleFactor(BodyParts b) { if (bodyPartCache.ContainsKey(b)) { BoneTransformation bodyPart = bodyPartCache[b].Find(item => item.action == BoneTransformation.Transformations.ScaleBetweenJoints || item.action == BoneTransformation.Transformations.ScaleBetweenJointAndMiddleJoints); if (bodyPart != null) { JointId fromJoint = bodyPart.joints[0]; JointId toJoint = bodyPart.joints[1]; Vector3 start = jointCache[fromJoint].transformation.position; Vector3 end = jointCache[toJoint].transformation.position; string axis = bodyPart.aligningAxis; float size = bodyPart.originalSize; MeshRenderer renderer = bodyPart.bodyPart.gameObject.GetComponent(); if (renderer != null) { float distance = Vector3.Distance(end, start); float scale = distance / size; return scale; } } } return 0.0f; } // Read position of appropriate joint. private Vector3 ReadPositionOfJoint(JointId jointName) { if (currentJointPositions.ContainsKey(jointName)) { return currentJointPositions[jointName]; } return jointCache[jointName].transformation.position; } // TODO read this from config. // Center of body is lower part of belly. public Vector3 CenterOfMass() { return jointCache[JointId.Pelvis].transformation.position; } // Receive position of joints. public void ReceiveNewSensorData(SkeletonPosition newData) { currentJointPositions = newData.currentJointPositions; } #endregion }