class Constants { public const float Invalid2DCoordinate = -1; public const int InvalidCalculationWindow = -1; public const ulong InvalidBodySelectionIndex = ulong.MaxValue; public class Validation { public class ErrorMessages { public const string InitialStateStability = "Please stand upright in the beginning of the jump"; public const string EndingStateStability = "Please stand upright in the end of the jump"; public const string MovementDisplacementHorizontal = "Oops, you need to land where you started"; public const string MovementDisplacementVertical = "Please stand upright during the jump"; public const string HandsDisplacement = "Please keep hands on hips while you jump"; public const string AngleDisplacement = "Please stand upright in the beginning of the jump"; public const string MaximalHeight = "Please jump again"; public const string NotEnoughPoints = "Jump does not have sufficient number of points"; } } public class TextColor { public CustomColors green = new CustomColors(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f); public CustomColors yellow = new CustomColors(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f); } }