# Azure Kinect Body Tracking Simple3dViewer Sample ## Introduction The Azure Kinect Body Tracking Simple3dViewer sample creates a 3d window that visualizes all the information provided by the body tracking SDK. ## Usage Info USAGE: simple_3d_viewer.exe SensorMode[NFOV_UNBINNED, WFOV_BINNED](optional) RuntimeMode[CPU, OFFLINE](optional) * SensorMode: * NFOV_UNBINNED (default) - Narraw Field of View Unbinned Mode [Resolution: 640x576; FOI: 75 degree x 65 degree] * WFOV_BINNED - Wide Field of View Binned Mode [Resolution: 512x512; FOI: 120 degree x 120 degree] * RuntimeMode: * CPU - Use the CPU only mode. It runs on machines without a GPU but it will be much slower * OFFLINE - Play a specified file. Does not require Kinect device. Can use with CPU mode ``` e.g. simple_3d_viewer.exe WFOV_BINNED CPU simple_3d_viewer.exe CPU simple_3d_viewer.exe WFOV_BINNED simple_3d_viewer.exe OFFLINE MyFile.mkv ``` ## Instruction ### Basic Navigation: * Rotate: Rotate the camera by moving the mouse while holding mouse left button * Pan: Translate the scene by holding Ctrl key and drag the scene with mouse left button * Zoom in/out: Move closer/farther away from the scene center by scrolling the mouse scroll wheel * Select Center: Center the scene based on a detected joint by right clicking the joint with mouse ### Key Shortcuts * ESC: quit * h: help * b: body visualization mode * k: 3d window layout