param( $SourceBranch = ${env:Build_SourceBranch}, $SourcesDirectory = ${env:Build_SourcesDirectory}, $DocumentationPath = "${env:Build_BinariesDirectory}\docs\html" ) $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop; cd $SourcesDirectory; if ($SourceBranch.StartsWith('refs/heads/')) { $SourceBranch = $SourceBranch.SubString('refs/heads/'.Length); } # Identity of the automated commits git config --local "" git config --local "Azure Kinect Bot" $Authorization = "Basic " + [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes( "${env:GITHUBBOT_USER}:${env:GITHUBBOT_PAT}")) git config --local --add "http." "AUTHORIZATION: $Authorization" # Check out the documentation branch git checkout gh-pages -q git pull # Create the directory if it doesn't exist $DestinationDirectory = mkdir -force ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($SourcesDirectory, $SourceBranch)) # Delete the directory to ensure it is empty rmdir -Force $DestinationDirectory -Recurse # Copy the documentation HTML to that directory Copy-Item -Recurse $DocumentationPath -Destination ($DestinationDirectory.FullName) # Find all documentation branches (any subdirectory with index.html) $Branches = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter index.html |? { $_.Directory.FullName.Length -gt $SourcesDirectory.Length } |% { $_.Directory.FullName.Substring($SourcesDirectory.Length + 1).Replace('\', '/') } |? { -not $_.StartsWith('build/') } # Save the branch metadata in branches.js $Javascript = "var BRANCHES = " + (ConvertTo-Json @($Branches)); $Javascript | Set-Content branches.js; git add * git commit -m "Updated documentation for $SourceBranch from commit $(${env:Build_SourceVersion})" git push