## Change Log ### v1.4.1 * Added NEON for ARM64 * Failed conversion of MJPEG to BGRA is now a warning - not an error. ### v1.4.0 * Added ARM64 Suport. * On Windows Opencv-4.1.1 is now being used and tested. * CPP; Adding record.hpp, updated playback.hpp * Fixed small error in transformation functions * Updated K4aRecorder allow: * Setting manual exposure based on exposure time. * Record BGRA32 format. * Added transformation API's to CSharp ### v1.3.0 * On Windows VS dependencies are now dynamically linked and require redistributables for [VS2015](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145) or newer. * Error and Warning messages have been cleaned up to be less verbose. * Multi camera sync and capture green screen example added. * Added new k4a_calibration_color_2d_to_depth_2d API to transform pixel from color image to depth image with searching on epipolar line * Added a capture::handle() method to the C++ wrapper, allowing access to the underlying k4a_capture_t when using the C++ wrapper. ### v1.2.0 * CSharp support added. * Depth Engine breaking changes to 2.0, SDK now relies on this new version. * Firmware updates for better USB compatibility. * Added new API's k4a_image_get_device_timestamp_usec(), k4a_image_get_system_timestamp_usec(), k4a_image_set_device_timestamp_usec(), k4a_image_set_system_timestamp_usec(), and k4a_image_set_exposure_usec(). (#350) * Deprecated API's k4a_image_get_timestamp_usec(), k4a_image_set_timestamp_usec(), and k4a_image_set_exposure_time_usec(). * Added new transformation API k4a_transformation_depth_image_to_color_camera_custom(). (#566) * Fixed color exposure get & set API's. (#515) * The C++ API for playback was made public. (#493) * Added custom track recording and playback API. (#246) * All playback API functions now return timestamps in device time instead of relative to start of recording. (#592) * Deprecated k4a_playback_get_last_timestamp_usec() and replaced with k4a_playback_get_recording_length_usec(). ### v1.1.0 * Clean up repo documentation for going public. * New API k4a_device_get_color_control_capabilities() to read color control capabilities was added. (#319) * C++ wrapper added. * Linux, Color camera support added. * K4A_COLOR_CONTROL_AUTO_EXPOSURE_PRIORITY deprecated. (#277) * New K4A_\*_TRACK tags added to recordings for track identification. (#259) * Playback External Sync example added. (#274) * Playback API format conversion support added (MJPG -> BGRA32, etc...). (#237) * Playback IMU API added. (#213) * Various playback performance improvements, including read-ahead and cluster caching. (#203, #189, #142) * k4a_playback_seek_timestamp() functionality changed to fix edge cases. (#141) ### v1.0.0 * Breaking Change to pre-production devices, update container ID & serial number * Added support for multiple devices on a single PC. ### v0.8.0 * Output intrinsic calibrated IMU data * Changed units of IMU accelerometer reading from G to meters per second squared. * Changed units of IMU Gyroscope reading from degrees per second to radians per second. * Breaking change to k4a_calibration_get_from_raw API, size of source calibration string is now required along with the source calibration. * Added FW version minimum bar check * Integrated GPU transform engine into SDK to accelerate transformation between depth image and color image. * Depth Engine plugin versioning through binding with SDK during loading and more logging added. ### v0.7.1 * Added file based record and playback headers to SDK * Swapped tangential distortion parameters p1 and p2 in intrinsic calibration to align with OpenCV. ### v0.7.0 * Removed deprecated API's and structures * Drop depth captures if they arrive successfully over USB but are too small. * Drop IMU captures when the timestamp is reported is not valid. * On k4a_device_open, stop depth and IMU sensors from streaming in the event the previous session didn't clean up. * Renamed k4a_camera_calibration_t to k4a_calibration_camera_t for naming consistency in k4atypes.h. * Renamed k4a_intrinsic_parameters_t to k4a_calibration_intrinsic_parameters_t for naming consistency in k4atypes.h. * OpenCV compatibility * Added support for Brown-Conrady lens model. * Modified parameters of intrinsic calibration to be pixelized and 0-centered instead of unitized and 0-cornered. ### v0.6.0 * Added support for k4a_image_t and family of API's to support access. * Removed direction image access via k4a_capture_ API's * Deprecated most k4a_capture_get_* API's ### v0.5.2 * Switched firmware file to manufacturing version to address bugs ### v0.5.1 * Add firmware binary blob to SDK ### v0.5.0 * destub_depth_engine_process_frame error was converted to a warning and message softened. * Added synchronized_images_only to k4a_device_configuration_t * USB depth transfer request size more closely matches expected image size. * k4aviewer now can save default settings * Bug fixes ### v0.3.0 * Additional color camera controls * Bug fixes * Support native RGB * Support for external sync connections * Point cloud viewer * Updated K4AViewer to support High DPI displays * Removed k4a image format K4A\_IMAGE\_FORMAT\_UNKNOWN * Removed k4a FPS value K4A\_FRAMES\_PER\_SECOND\_OFF * Added tool to run firmware update * IMU recording and device selection was added to k4arecorder * Removed x86 builds from the SDK * Removed DepthEngine.pdb from the SDK * Minor breaking change to k4a_device_configuration_t; color_fps & depth_fps consolidated to camera_fps ### v0.2.0 Sensor SDK v0.2.0 includes major refactoring to API * API refactoring (**breaking change**) * Depth-RGB correlation API * ***Note!*** When using both Depth-RGB cameras same time they will be synchronized and can only run with the same framerate. Option to have separate frame rates have been disabled. * Additional frame-meta data support (e.g. resolution, laser temperature) * Coordinate space helpers (Project 3D to 2D, Unproject 2D to 3D, Extrinsic transformation (3D to 3D) * Sensor recording API refactoring and improvements * Sensor recorder and Kinect for Azure viewer updated to new API ### v0.1.0 This is the very first internal sensor SDK release * Depth camera access * RGB camera access * RGB camera exposure control * IMU access * Device calibration blob access * Frame meta-data for Depth and RGB device timestamp * Kinect for Azure Viewer, samples (streaming, enumeration,..) * Recording tool (Depth and RGB streams)