
377 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-04-14 11:45:18 +00:00
#include "app.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <ppl.h>
// Choose Resolution
//#define COLOR
#define DEPTH
// Constructor
// Initialize
// Destructor
// Finalize
// Processing
void Kinect::run()
// Main Loop
while( true ){
// Update Data
// Draw Data
// Inpaint Depth
// Show Data
// Key Check
const int key = cv::waitKey( 10 );
if( key == VK_ESCAPE ){
// Initialize
void Kinect::initialize()
cv::setUseOptimized( true );
// Initialize Sensor
// Initialize Color
// Initialize Depth
// Wait a Few Seconds until begins to Retrieve Data from Sensor ( about 2000-[ms] )
std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::seconds( 2 ) );
// Initialize Sensor
inline void Kinect::initializeSensor()
// Open Sensor
ERROR_CHECK( GetDefaultKinectSensor( &kinect ) );
ERROR_CHECK( kinect->Open() );
// Check Open
ERROR_CHECK( kinect->get_IsOpen( &isOpen ) );
if( !isOpen ){
throw std::runtime_error( "failed IKinectSensor::get_IsOpen( &isOpen )" );
// Retrieve Coordinate Mapper
ERROR_CHECK( kinect->get_CoordinateMapper( &coordinateMapper ) );
// Initialize Color
inline void Kinect::initializeColor()
// Open Color Reader
ComPtr<IColorFrameSource> colorFrameSource;
ERROR_CHECK( kinect->get_ColorFrameSource( &colorFrameSource ) );
ERROR_CHECK( colorFrameSource->OpenReader( &colorFrameReader ) );
// Retrieve Color Description
ComPtr<IFrameDescription> colorFrameDescription;
ERROR_CHECK( colorFrameSource->CreateFrameDescription( ColorImageFormat::ColorImageFormat_Bgra, &colorFrameDescription ) );
ERROR_CHECK( colorFrameDescription->get_Width( &colorWidth ) ); // 1920
ERROR_CHECK( colorFrameDescription->get_Height( &colorHeight ) ); // 1080
ERROR_CHECK( colorFrameDescription->get_BytesPerPixel( &colorBytesPerPixel ) ); // 4
// Allocation Color Buffer
colorBuffer.resize( colorWidth * colorHeight * colorBytesPerPixel );
// Initialize Depth
inline void Kinect::initializeDepth()
// Open Depth Reader
ComPtr<IDepthFrameSource> depthFrameSource;
ERROR_CHECK( kinect->get_DepthFrameSource( &depthFrameSource ) );
ERROR_CHECK( depthFrameSource->OpenReader( &depthFrameReader ) );
// Retrieve Depth Description
ComPtr<IFrameDescription> depthFrameDescription;
ERROR_CHECK( depthFrameSource->get_FrameDescription( &depthFrameDescription ) );
ERROR_CHECK( depthFrameDescription->get_Width( &depthWidth ) ); // 512
ERROR_CHECK( depthFrameDescription->get_Height( &depthHeight ) ); // 424
ERROR_CHECK( depthFrameDescription->get_BytesPerPixel( &depthBytesPerPixel ) ); // 2
// Allocation Depth Buffer
depthBuffer.resize( depthWidth * depthHeight );
// Finalize
void Kinect::finalize()
// Close Sensor
if( kinect != nullptr ){
// Update Data
void Kinect::update()
// Update Color
// Update Depth
// Update Color
inline void Kinect::updateColor()
// Retrieve Color Frame
ComPtr<IColorFrame> colorFrame;
const HRESULT ret = colorFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame( &colorFrame );
if( FAILED( ret ) ){
// Convert Format ( YUY2 -> BGRA )
ERROR_CHECK( colorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray( static_cast<UINT>( colorBuffer.size() ), &colorBuffer[0], ColorImageFormat::ColorImageFormat_Bgra ) );
// Update Depth
inline void Kinect::updateDepth()
// Retrieve Depth Frame
ComPtr<IDepthFrame> depthFrame;
const HRESULT ret = depthFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame( &depthFrame );
if( FAILED( ret ) ){
// Retrieve Depth Data
ERROR_CHECK( depthFrame->CopyFrameDataToArray( static_cast<UINT>( depthBuffer.size() ), &depthBuffer[0] ) );
// Draw Data
void Kinect::draw()
// Draw Color
// Draw Depth
// Draw Color
inline void Kinect::drawColor()
#ifdef DEPTH
// Retrieve Mapped Coordinates
std::vector<ColorSpacePoint> colorSpacePoints( depthWidth * depthHeight );
ERROR_CHECK( coordinateMapper->MapDepthFrameToColorSpace( depthBuffer.size(), &depthBuffer[0], colorSpacePoints.size(), &colorSpacePoints[0] ) );
// Mapping Color to Depth Resolution
std::vector<BYTE> buffer( depthWidth * depthHeight * colorBytesPerPixel );
Concurrency::parallel_for( 0, depthHeight, [&]( const int depthY ){
const unsigned int depthOffset = depthY * depthWidth;
for( int depthX = 0; depthX < depthWidth; depthX++ ){
unsigned int depthIndex = depthOffset + depthX;
const int colorX = static_cast<int>( colorSpacePoints[depthIndex].X + 0.5f );
const int colorY = static_cast<int>( colorSpacePoints[depthIndex].Y + 0.5f );
if( ( 0 <= colorX ) && ( colorX < colorWidth ) && ( 0 <= colorY ) && ( colorY < colorHeight ) ){
const unsigned int colorIndex = ( colorY * colorWidth + colorX ) * colorBytesPerPixel;
depthIndex = depthIndex * colorBytesPerPixel;
buffer[depthIndex + 0] = colorBuffer[colorIndex + 0];
buffer[depthIndex + 1] = colorBuffer[colorIndex + 1];
buffer[depthIndex + 2] = colorBuffer[colorIndex + 2];
buffer[depthIndex + 3] = colorBuffer[colorIndex + 3];
} );
// Create cv::Mat from Coordinate Buffer
colorMat = cv::Mat( depthHeight, depthWidth, CV_8UC4, &buffer[0] ).clone();
// Create cv::Mat from Color Buffer
colorMat = cv::Mat( colorHeight, colorWidth, CV_8UC4, &colorBuffer[0]);
// Draw Depth
inline void Kinect::drawDepth()
#ifdef COLOR
// Retrieve Mapped Coordinates
std::vector<DepthSpacePoint> depthSpacePoints( colorWidth * colorHeight );
ERROR_CHECK( coordinateMapper->MapColorFrameToDepthSpace( depthBuffer.size(), &depthBuffer[0], depthSpacePoints.size(), &depthSpacePoints[0] ) );
// Mapping Depth to Color Resolution
std::vector<UINT16> buffer( colorWidth * colorHeight );
Concurrency::parallel_for( 0, colorHeight, [&]( const int colorY ){
const unsigned int colorOffset = colorY * colorWidth;
for( int colorX = 0; colorX < colorWidth; colorX++ ){
const unsigned int colorIndex = colorOffset + colorX;
const int depthX = static_cast<int>( depthSpacePoints[colorIndex].X + 0.5f );
const int depthY = static_cast<int>( depthSpacePoints[colorIndex].Y + 0.5f );
if( ( 0 <= depthX ) && ( depthX < depthWidth ) && ( 0 <= depthY ) && ( depthY < depthHeight ) ){
const unsigned int depthIndex = depthY * depthWidth + depthX;
buffer[colorIndex] = depthBuffer[depthIndex];
} );
// Create cv::Mat from Coordinate Buffer
depthMat = cv::Mat( colorHeight, colorWidth, CV_16UC1, &buffer[0] ).clone();
// Create cv::Mat from Depth Buffer
depthMat = cv::Mat( depthHeight, depthWidth, CV_16UC1, &depthBuffer[0]);
// Inpaint Depth
void Kinect::inpaintDepth()
if( depthMat.empty() ){
// Create Inpaint Mask ( This mask is area where depth couldn't be retrieved becauses shadow, noise, or outside of range. )
cv::Mat maskMat;
cv::threshold( depthMat, maskMat, 500, std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max(), cv::THRESH_BINARY_INV );
maskMat.convertTo( maskMat, CV_8U, 255.0 / std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max() );
#ifdef COLOR
// Scale Down
const double scale = 0.3;
cv::Mat resizeDepthMat;
cv::Mat resizeMaskMat;
cv::resize( depthMat, resizeDepthMat, cv::Size(), scale, scale );
cv::resize( maskMat, resizeMaskMat, cv::Size(), scale, scale );
// Inpaint Depth
const double radius = 5.0;
cv::inpaint( resizeDepthMat, resizeMaskMat, inpaintMat, radius, cv::INPAINT_NS );
// Scale Up
cv::resize( inpaintMat, inpaintMat, depthMat.size() );
// Add Copy
cv::Mat tmpMat = depthMat.clone();
inpaintMat.copyTo( tmpMat, maskMat );
inpaintMat = tmpMat.clone();
// Inpaint Depth
const double radius = 5.0;
cv::inpaint( depthMat, maskMat, inpaintMat, radius, cv::INPAINT_NS );
// Show Data
void Kinect::show()
// Show Color
// Show Depth
// Show Inpaint
// Show Color
inline void Kinect::showColor()
if( colorMat.empty() ){
#ifdef COLOR
// Resize Image
cv::Mat resizeMat;
const double scale = 0.5;
cv::resize( colorMat, resizeMat, cv::Size(), scale, scale );
// Show Image
cv::imshow( "Color", resizeMat );
// Show Image
cv::imshow( "Color", colorMat );
// Show Depth
inline void Kinect::showDepth()
if( depthMat.empty() ){
// Scaling ( 0-8000 -> 255-0 )
cv::Mat scaleMat;
depthMat.convertTo( scaleMat, CV_8U, -255.0 / 8000.0, 255.0 );
//cv::applyColorMap( scaleMat, scaleMat, cv::COLORMAP_BONE );
#ifdef COLOR
// Resize Image
cv::Mat resizeMat;
const double scale = 0.5;
cv::resize( scaleMat, resizeMat, cv::Size(), scale, scale );
// Show Image
cv::imshow( "Depth", resizeMat );
// Show Image
cv::imshow( "Depth", scaleMat );
// Show Inpaint
inline void Kinect::showInpaint()
if( inpaintMat.empty() ){
// Scaling ( 0-8000 -> 255-0 )
cv::Mat scaleMat;
inpaintMat.convertTo( scaleMat, CV_8U, -255.0 / 8000.0, 255.0 );
//cv::applyColorMap( scaleMat, scaleMat, cv::COLORMAP_BONE );
#ifdef COLOR
// Resize Image
cv::Mat resizeMat;
const double scale = 0.5;
cv::resize( scaleMat, resizeMat, cv::Size(), scale, scale );
// Show Image
cv::imshow( "Inpaint", resizeMat );
// Show Image
cv::imshow( "Inpaint", scaleMat );