
440 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-04-14 11:45:18 +00:00
#include "app.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <math.h>
#include <ppl.h>
// Constructor
// Initialize
// Destructor
// Finalize
// Processing
void Kinect::run()
// Main Loop
while( true ){
// Update Data
// Draw Data
// Show Data
// Key Check
const int key = cv::waitKey( 10 );
if( key == VK_ESCAPE ){
// Initialize
void Kinect::initialize()
cv::setUseOptimized( true );
// Initialize Sensor
// Initialize Color
// Initialize Body
// Initialize Face
// Wait a Few Seconds until begins to Retrieve Data from Sensor ( about 2000-[ms] )
std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::seconds( 2 ) );
// Initialize Sensor
inline void Kinect::initializeSensor()
// Open Sensor
ERROR_CHECK( GetDefaultKinectSensor( &kinect ) );
ERROR_CHECK( kinect->Open() );
// Check Open
ERROR_CHECK( kinect->get_IsOpen( &isOpen ) );
if( !isOpen ){
throw std::runtime_error( "failed IKinectSensor::get_IsOpen( &isOpen )" );
// Retrieve Coordinate Mapper
ERROR_CHECK( kinect->get_CoordinateMapper( &coordinateMapper ) );
// Initialize Color
inline void Kinect::initializeColor()
// Open Color Reader
ComPtr<IColorFrameSource> colorFrameSource;
ERROR_CHECK( kinect->get_ColorFrameSource( &colorFrameSource ) );
ERROR_CHECK( colorFrameSource->OpenReader( &colorFrameReader ) );
// Retrieve Color Description
ComPtr<IFrameDescription> colorFrameDescription;
ERROR_CHECK( colorFrameSource->CreateFrameDescription( ColorImageFormat::ColorImageFormat_Bgra, &colorFrameDescription ) );
ERROR_CHECK( colorFrameDescription->get_Width( &colorWidth ) ); // 1920
ERROR_CHECK( colorFrameDescription->get_Height( &colorHeight ) ); // 1080
ERROR_CHECK( colorFrameDescription->get_BytesPerPixel( &colorBytesPerPixel ) ); // 4
// Allocation Color Buffer
colorBuffer.resize( colorWidth * colorHeight * colorBytesPerPixel );
// Initialize Body
inline void Kinect::initializeBody()
// Open Body Reader
ComPtr<IBodyFrameSource> bodyFrameSource;
ERROR_CHECK( kinect->get_BodyFrameSource( &bodyFrameSource ) );
ERROR_CHECK( bodyFrameSource->OpenReader( &bodyFrameReader ) );
// Initialize Body Buffer
Concurrency::parallel_for_each( bodies.begin(), bodies.end(), []( IBody*& body ){
SafeRelease( body );
} );
// Initialize Face
inline void Kinect::initializeFace()
// Set Face Features to Enable
const DWORD features =
| FaceFrameFeatures::FaceFrameFeatures_PointsInColorSpace
| FaceFrameFeatures::FaceFrameFeatures_RotationOrientation
| FaceFrameFeatures::FaceFrameFeatures_Happy
| FaceFrameFeatures::FaceFrameFeatures_RightEyeClosed
| FaceFrameFeatures::FaceFrameFeatures_LeftEyeClosed
| FaceFrameFeatures::FaceFrameFeatures_MouthOpen
| FaceFrameFeatures::FaceFrameFeatures_MouthMoved
| FaceFrameFeatures::FaceFrameFeatures_LookingAway
| FaceFrameFeatures::FaceFrameFeatures_Glasses
| FaceFrameFeatures::FaceFrameFeatures_FaceEngagement;
Concurrency::parallel_for( 0, BODY_COUNT, [&]( const int count ){
// Create Face Sources
ComPtr<IFaceFrameSource> faceFrameSource;
ERROR_CHECK( CreateFaceFrameSource( kinect.Get(), 0, features, &faceFrameSource ) );
// Open Face Readers
ERROR_CHECK( faceFrameSource->OpenReader( &faceFrameReader[count] ) );
} );
// Color Table for Visualization
colors[0] = cv::Vec3b( 255, 0, 0 ); // Blue
colors[1] = cv::Vec3b( 0, 255, 0 ); // Green
colors[2] = cv::Vec3b( 0, 0, 255 ); // Red
colors[3] = cv::Vec3b( 255, 255, 0 ); // Cyan
colors[4] = cv::Vec3b( 255, 0, 255 ); // Magenta
colors[5] = cv::Vec3b( 0, 255, 255 ); // Yellow
// Face Property Label Text Table for Display
labels[0] = "Happy";
labels[1] = "Engaged";
labels[2] = "WearingGlasses";
labels[3] = "LeftEyeClosed";
labels[4] = "RightEyeClosed";
labels[5] = "MouthOpen";
labels[6] = "MouthMoved";
labels[7] = "LookingAway";
// Finalize
void Kinect::finalize()
// Release Body Buffer
Concurrency::parallel_for_each( bodies.begin(), bodies.end(), []( IBody*& body ){
SafeRelease( body );
} );
// Close Sensor
if( kinect != nullptr ){
// Update Data
void Kinect::update()
// Update Color
// Update Body
// Update Face
// Update Color
inline void Kinect::updateColor()
// Retrieve Color Frame
ComPtr<IColorFrame> colorFrame;
const HRESULT ret = colorFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame( &colorFrame );
if( FAILED( ret ) ){
// Convert Format ( YUY2 -> BGRA )
ERROR_CHECK( colorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray( static_cast<UINT>( colorBuffer.size() ), &colorBuffer[0], ColorImageFormat::ColorImageFormat_Bgra ) );
// Update Body
inline void Kinect::updateBody()
// Retrieve Body Frame
ComPtr<IBodyFrame> bodyFrame;
const HRESULT ret = bodyFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame( &bodyFrame );
if( FAILED( ret ) ){
// Release Previous Bodies
Concurrency::parallel_for_each( bodies.begin(), bodies.end(), []( IBody*& body ){
SafeRelease( body );
} );
// Retrieve Body Data
ERROR_CHECK( bodyFrame->GetAndRefreshBodyData( static_cast<UINT>( bodies.size() ), &bodies[0] ) );
Concurrency::parallel_for( 0, BODY_COUNT, [&]( const int count ){
const ComPtr<IBody> body = bodies[count];
BOOLEAN tracked;
ERROR_CHECK( body->get_IsTracked( &tracked ) );
if( !tracked ){
// Retrieve Tracking ID
UINT64 trackingId;
ERROR_CHECK( body->get_TrackingId( &trackingId ) );
// Registration Tracking ID
ComPtr<IFaceFrameSource> faceFrameSource;
ERROR_CHECK( faceFrameReader[count]->get_FaceFrameSource( &faceFrameSource ) );
ERROR_CHECK( faceFrameSource->put_TrackingId( trackingId ) );
} );
// Update Face
inline void Kinect::updateFace()
// ReSet Results
results.fill( nullptr );
Concurrency::parallel_for( 0, BODY_COUNT, [&]( const int count ){
// Retrieve Face Frame
ComPtr<IFaceFrame> faceFrame;
const HRESULT ret = faceFrameReader[count]->AcquireLatestFrame( &faceFrame );
if( FAILED( ret ) ){
// Check Tracking ID is Valid
BOOLEAN tracked;
ERROR_CHECK( faceFrame->get_IsTrackingIdValid( &tracked ) );
if( !tracked ){
// Release Previous Face Result and Retrieve Face Result
ERROR_CHECK( faceFrame->get_FaceFrameResult( &results[count] ) );
} );
// Draw Data
void Kinect::draw()
// Draw Color
// Draw Face
// Draw Color
inline void Kinect::drawColor()
// Create cv::Mat from Color Buffer
colorMat = cv::Mat( colorHeight, colorWidth, CV_8UC4, &colorBuffer[0] );
// Draw Face
inline void Kinect::drawFace()
if( colorMat.empty() ){
Concurrency::parallel_for( 0, BODY_COUNT, [&]( const int count ){
const ComPtr<IFaceFrameResult> result = results[count];
if( result == nullptr ){
// Retrieve Face Points
std::array<PointF, FacePointType::FacePointType_Count> facePoints;
ERROR_CHECK( result->GetFacePointsInColorSpace( FacePointType::FacePointType_Count, &facePoints[0] ) );
drawFacePoints( colorMat, facePoints, 5, colors[count] );
// Retrieve Face Bounding Box
RectI boundingBox;
ERROR_CHECK( result->get_FaceBoundingBoxInColorSpace( &boundingBox ) );
drawFaceBoundingBox( colorMat, boundingBox, colors[count] );
// Retrieve Face Rotation Quaternion
Vector4 rotationQuaternion;
ERROR_CHECK( result->get_FaceRotationQuaternion( &rotationQuaternion ) );
drawFaceRotation( colorMat, rotationQuaternion, boundingBox, 1.0, colors[count] );
// Retrieve Face Properties
std::array<DetectionResult, FaceProperty::FaceProperty_Count> detectionResults;
ERROR_CHECK( result->GetFaceProperties( FaceProperty::FaceProperty_Count, &detectionResults[0] ) );
drawFaceProperties( colorMat, detectionResults, boundingBox, 1.0, colors[count] );
} );
// Draw Face Points
inline void Kinect::drawFacePoints( cv::Mat& image, const std::array<PointF, FacePointType::FacePointType_Count>& points, const int radius, const cv::Vec3b& color, const int thickness )
if( image.empty() ){
// Draw Points
Concurrency::parallel_for_each( points.begin(), points.end(), [&]( const PointF point ){
const int x = static_cast<int>( point.X + 0.5f );
const int y = static_cast<int>( point.Y + 0.5f );
cv::circle( image, cv::Point( x, y ), radius, static_cast<cv::Scalar>( color ), thickness, cv::LINE_AA );
} );
// Draw Face Bounding Box
inline void Kinect::drawFaceBoundingBox( cv::Mat& image, const RectI& box, const cv::Vec3b& color, const int thickness )
if( image.empty() ){
// Draw Bounding Box
const int width = box.Right - box.Left;
const int height = box.Bottom - box.Top;
cv::rectangle( image, cv::Rect( box.Left, box.Top, width, height ), color, thickness, cv::LINE_AA );
// Draw Face Rotation Quaternion
inline void Kinect::drawFaceRotation( cv::Mat& image, Vector4& quaternion, const RectI& box, const double fontScale,const cv::Vec3b& color, const int thickness )
if( image.empty() ){
// Convert Quaternion to Degree
int pitch, yaw, roll;
quaternion2degree( &quaternion, &pitch, &yaw, &roll );
// Draw Rotation
const int offset = 30;
if( box.Left && box.Bottom ){
std::string rotation = "Pitch, Yaw, Roll : " + std::to_string( pitch ) + ", " + std::to_string( yaw ) + ", " + std::to_string( roll );
cv::putText( image, rotation, cv::Point( box.Left, box.Bottom + offset ), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale, color, thickness, cv::LINE_AA );
// Convert Quaternion to Degree
inline void Kinect::quaternion2degree( const Vector4* quaternion, int* pitch, int* yaw, int* roll )
const double x = quaternion->x;
const double y = quaternion->y;
const double z = quaternion->z;
const double w = quaternion->w;
*pitch = static_cast<int>( std::atan2( 2 * ( y * z + w * x ), w * w - x * x - y * y + z * z ) / M_PI * 180.0f );
*yaw = static_cast<int>( std::asin( 2 * ( w * y - x * z ) ) / M_PI * 180.0f );
*roll = static_cast<int>( std::atan2( 2 * ( x * y + w * z ), w * w + x * x - y * y - z * z ) / M_PI * 180.0f );
// Draw Face Properties
inline void Kinect::drawFaceProperties( cv::Mat& image, std::array<DetectionResult, FaceProperty::FaceProperty_Count>& results, const RectI& box, const double fontScale, const cv::Vec3b& color, const int thickness )
if( image.empty() ){
// Draw Properties
int offset = 30;
for( int count = 0; count < FaceProperty::FaceProperty_Count; count++ ){
if( box.Left && box.Bottom ){
offset += 30;
std::string result = labels[count] + " : " + result2string( results[count] );
cv::putText( image, result, cv::Point( box.Left, box.Bottom + offset ), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale, color, thickness, cv::LINE_AA );
// Convert Detection Result to String
inline std::string Kinect::result2string( DetectionResult& result )
switch( result ){
case DetectionResult::DetectionResult_Yes:
return "Yes";
case DetectionResult::DetectionResult_Maybe:
return "Maybe";
case DetectionResult::DetectionResult_No:
return "No";
case DetectionResult::DetectionResult_Unknown:
return "Unknown";
std::runtime_error( "not detection result of face property" );
return "";
// Show Data
void Kinect::show()
// Show Face
// Show Face
inline void Kinect::showFace()
if( colorMat.empty() ){
// Resize Image
cv::Mat resizeMat;
const double scale = 0.5;
cv::resize( colorMat, resizeMat, cv::Size(), scale, scale );
// Show Image
cv::imshow( "Face", resizeMat );