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// Fig. 17.13: atomic.cpp
// Incrementing integers from concurrent threads
// with and without atomics.
#include <atomic>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
int main() {
int count1{0};
std::atomic<int> atomicCount{0};
int count2{0};
std::atomic_ref<int> atomicRefCount{count2};
std::cout << "Two concurrent threads incrementing int count1, "
<< "atomicCount and atomicRefCount\n\n";
// lambda to increment counters
auto incrementer{
[&]() {
for (int i{0}; i < 1000; ++i) {
++count1; // no synchronization
++atomicCount; // ++ is an atomic operation
++atomicRefCount; // ++ is an atomic operation
std::this_thread::yield(); // force thread to give up CPU
std::jthread t1{incrementer};
std::jthread t2{incrementer};
std::cout << fmt::format("Final count1: {}\n", count1);
std::cout << fmt::format("Final atomicCount: {}\n", atomicCount);
std::cout << fmt::format("Final count2: {}\n", count2);
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