
102 lines
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/// Fig. 17.7: SynchronizedBuffer.h
// SynchronizedBuffer maintains synchronized access to a shared mutable
// integer that is accessed by a producer thread and a consumer thread.
#pragma once
#include <condition_variable>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std::string_literals;
class SynchronizedBuffer {
// place value into m_buffer
void put(int value) {
// critical section that requires a lock to modify shared data
// lock on m_mutex to be able to write to m_buffer
std::unique_lock dataLock{m_mutex};
if (m_occupied) {
std::cout << fmt::format(
"Producer tries to write.\n{:<40}{}\t\t{}\n\n",
"Buffer full. Producer waits.", m_buffer, m_occupied);
// wait on condition variable m_cv; the lambda in the second
// argument ensures that if the thread gets the processor
// before m_occupied is false, the thread continues waiting
m_cv.wait(dataLock, [&]() {return !m_occupied; });
// write to m_buffer
m_buffer = value;
m_occupied = true;
std::cout << fmt::format("{:<40}{}\t\t{}\n\n",
"Producer writes "s + std::to_string(value),
m_buffer, m_occupied);
} // dataLock's destructor releases the lock on m_mutex
// if consumer is waiting, notify it that it can now read
// return value from m_buffer
int get() {
int value; // will store the value returned by get
// critical section that requires a lock to modify shared data
// lock on m_mutex to be able to read from m_buffer
std::unique_lock dataLock{m_mutex};
if (!m_occupied) {
std::cout << fmt::format(
"Consumer tries to read.\n{:<40}{}\t\t{}\n\n",
"Buffer empty. Consumer waits.", m_buffer, m_occupied);
// wait on condition variable m_cv; the lambda in the second
// argument ensures that if the thread gets the processor
// before m_occupied is true, the thread continues waiting
m_cv.wait(dataLock, [&]() {return m_occupied; });
value = m_buffer;
m_occupied = false;
std::cout << fmt::format("{:<40}{}\t\t{}\n{}\n",
"Consumer reads "s + std::to_string(m_buffer),
m_buffer, m_occupied, std::string(64, '-'));
} // dataLock's destructor releases the lock on m_mutex
// if producer is waiting, notify it that it can now write
return value;
int m_buffer{-1}; // shared by producer and consumer threads
bool m_occupied{false};
std::condition_variable m_cv;
std::mutex m_mutex;
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* DISCLAIMER: The authors and publisher of this book have used their *
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