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// fig11_01.cpp
// Standard library string class test program.
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
int main() {
std::string s1{"happy"}; // initialize string from char*
std::string s2{" birthday"}; // initialize string from char*
std::string s3; // creates an empty string
std::string_view v{"hello"}; // initialize string_view from char*
// output strings and string_view
std::cout << "s1: \"" << s1 << "\"; s2: \"" << s2
<< "\"; s3: \"" << s3 << "\"; v: \"" << v << "\"\n\n";
// test overloaded equality and relational operators
std::cout << "The results of comparing s2 and s1:\n"
<< fmt::format("s2 == s1: {}\n", s2 == s1)
<< fmt::format("s2 != s1: {}\n", s2 != s1)
<< fmt::format("s2 > s1: {}\n", s2 > s1)
<< fmt::format("s2 < s1: {}\n", s2 < s1)
<< fmt::format("s2 >= s1: {}\n", s2 >= s1)
<< fmt::format("s2 <= s1: {}\n\n", s2 <= s1);
// test string member function empty
std::cout << "Testing s3.empty():\n";
if (s3.empty()) {
std::cout << "s3 is empty; assigning s1 to s3;\n";
s3 = s1; // assign s1 to s3
std::cout << fmt::format("s3 is \"{}\"\n\n", s3);
// test overloaded string concatenation assignment operator
s1 += s2; // test overloaded concatenation
std::cout << fmt::format("s1 += s2 yields s1 = {}\n\n", s1);
// test string concatenation with a C string
s1 += " to you";
std::cout << fmt::format("s1 += \" to you\" yields s1 = {}\n\n", s1);
// test string concatenation with a C++14 string-object literal
using namespace std::string_literals;
s1 += ", have a great day!"s; // s after " for string-object literal
std::cout << fmt::format(
"s1 += \", have a great day!\"s yields\ns1 = {}\n\n", s1);
// test string member function substr
std::cout << fmt::format("{} {}\n{}\n\n",
"The substring of s1 starting at location 0 for",
"14 characters, s1.substr(0, 14), is:", s1.substr(0, 14));
// test substr "to-end-of-string" option
std::cout << fmt::format("{} {}\n{}\n\n",
"The substring of s1 starting at",
"location 15, s1.substr(15), is:", s1.substr(15));
// test copy constructor
std::string s4{s1};
std::cout << fmt::format("s4 = {}\n\n", s4);
// test overloaded copy assignment (=) operator with self-assignment
std::cout << "assigning s4 to s4\n";
s4 = s4;
std::cout << fmt::format("s4 = {}\n\n", s4);
// test string's string_view constructor
std::cout << "initializing s5 with string_view v\n";
std::string s5{v};
std::cout << fmt::format("s5 is {}\n\n", s5);
// test using overloaded subscript operator to create lvalue
s1[0] = 'H';
s1[6] = 'B';
std::cout << fmt::format("{}:\n{}\n\n",
"after s1[0] = 'H' and s1[6] = 'B', s1 is", s1);
// test index out of range with string member function "at"
try {
std::cout << "Attempt to assign 'd' to s1.at(100) yields:\n";
s1.at(100) = 'd'; // ERROR: subscript out of range
catch (const std::out_of_range& ex) {
std::cout << fmt::format("An exception occurred: {}\n", ex.what());
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* DISCLAIMER: The authors and publisher of this book have used their *
* best efforts in preparing the book. These efforts include the *
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