
148 lines
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// fig08_15.cpp
// Reading the Titanic dataset from a CSV file, then analyzing it.
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <ranges>
#include <rapidcsv.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
int main() {
// load Titanic dataset; treat missing age values as NaN
rapidcsv::Document titanic{"titanic.csv",
rapidcsv::LabelParams{}, rapidcsv::SeparatorParams{},
// GetColumn returns column's data as a vector of the appropriate type
auto survived{titanic.GetColumn<int>("survived")};
auto sex{titanic.GetColumn<std::string>("sex")};
auto age{titanic.GetColumn<double>("age")};
auto pclass{titanic.GetColumn<int>("pclass")};
// display first 5 rows
std::cout << fmt::format("First five rows:\n{:<10}{:<8}{:<6}{}\n",
"survived", "sex", "age", "class");
for (size_t i{0}; i < 5; ++i) {
std::cout << fmt::format("{:<10}{:<8}{:<6.1f}{}\n",
survived.at(i), sex.at(i), age.at(i), pclass.at(i));
// display last 5 rows
std::cout << fmt::format("\nLast five rows:\n{:<10}{:<8}{:<6}{}\n",
"survived", "sex", "age", "class");
const auto count{titanic.GetRowCount()};
for (size_t i{count - 5}; i < count; ++i) {
std::cout << fmt::format("{:<10}{:<8}{:<6.1f}{}\n",
survived.at(i), sex.at(i), age.at(i), pclass.at(i));
// use C++20 ranges to eliminate missing values from age column
auto removeNaN{
age | std::views::filter([](const auto& x) {return !isnan(x);})};
std::vector<double> cleanAge{
std::begin(removeNaN), std::end(removeNaN)};
// descriptive statistics for cleaned ages column
std::sort(std::begin(cleanAge), std::end(cleanAge));
size_t size{cleanAge.size()};
double median{};
if (size % 2 == 0) { // find median value for even number of items
median = (cleanAge.at(size / 2 - 1) + cleanAge.at(size / 2)) / 2;
else { // find median value for odd number of items
median = cleanAge.at(size / 2);
std::cout << "\nDescriptive statistics for the age column:\n"
<< fmt::format("Passengers with age data: {}\n", size)
<< fmt::format("Average age: {:.2f}\n", std::accumulate(
std::begin(cleanAge), std::end(cleanAge), 0.0) / size)
<< fmt::format("Minimum age: {:.2f}\n", cleanAge.front())
<< fmt::format("Maximum age: {:.2f}\n", cleanAge.back())
<< fmt::format("Median age: {:.2f}\n", median);
// passenger counts by class
auto countClass{
[](const auto& column, const int classNumber) {
return std::ranges::count_if(column,
[classNumber](int x) {return classNumber == x;});
constexpr int firstClass{1};
constexpr int secondClass{2};
constexpr int thirdClass{3};
const auto firstCount{countClass(pclass, firstClass)};
const auto secondCount{countClass(pclass, secondClass)};
const auto thirdCount{countClass(pclass, thirdClass)};
std::cout << "\nPassenger counts by class:\n"
<< fmt::format("1st: {}\n2nd: {}\n3rd: {}\n\n",
firstCount, secondCount, thirdCount);
// percentage of people who survived
const auto survivorCount{
std::ranges::count_if(survived, [](auto x) {return x;})
std::cout << fmt::format("Survived count: {}\nDied count: {}\n",
survivorCount, survived.size() - survivorCount);
std::cout << fmt::format("Percent who survived: {:.2f}%\n\n",
100.0 * survivorCount / survived.size());
// count who survived by male/female, 1st/2nd/3rd class
int survivingMen{0};
int survivingWomen{0};
int surviving1st{0};
int surviving2nd{0};
int surviving3rd{0};
for (size_t i{0}; i < survived.size(); ++i) {
if (survived.at(i)) {
sex.at(i) == "female" ? ++survivingWomen : ++survivingMen;
if (firstClass == pclass.at(i)) {
else if (secondClass == pclass.at(i)) {
else { // third class
// percentages who survived by male/female, 1st/2nd/3rd class
std::cout << fmt::format("Female survivor percentage: {:.2f}%\n",
100.0 * survivingWomen / survivorCount)
<< fmt::format("Male survivor percentage: {:.2f}%\n\n",
100.0 * survivingMen / survivorCount)
<< fmt::format("1st class survivor percentage: {:.2f}%\n",
100.0 * surviving1st / survivorCount)
<< fmt::format("2nd class survivor percentage: {:.2f}%\n",
100.0 * surviving2nd / survivorCount)
<< fmt::format("3rd class survivor percentage: {:.2f}%\n",
100.0 * surviving3rd / survivorCount);
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