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// fig06_09.cpp
// Sorting and searching arrays.
#include <array>
#include <algorithm> // contains sort and binary_search
#include <format>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main() {
using namespace std::string_literals; // enables string object literals
// colors is inferred to be an array<string, 7>
std::array colors{"red"s, "orange"s, "yellow"s,
"green"s, "blue"s, "indigo"s, "violet"s};
// output original array
std::cout << "Unsorted colors array:\n ";
for (const std::string& color : colors) {
std::cout << std::format("{} ", color);
// sort contents of colors
//std::sort(std::begin(colors), std::end(colors));
std::sort(colors.begin(), colors.end());
// output sorted array
std::cout << "\nSorted colors array:\n ";
for (const std::string& color : colors) {
std::cout << std::format("{} ", color);
// search for "indigo" in colors
bool found{std::binary_search(
std::begin(colors), std::end(colors), "indigo")};
std::cout << std::format("\n\n\"indigo\" {} found in colors array\n",
found ? "was" : "was not");
// search for "cyan" in colors
//found = std::binary_search( std::begin(colors), std::end(colors), "cyan");
found = std::binary_search( colors.begin(), colors.end(), "cyan");
std::cout << std::format("\"cyan\" {} found in colors array\n",
found ? "was" : "was not");
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