/*! \file json.hpp \brief JSON input and output archives */ /* Copyright (c) 2014, Randolph Voorhies, Shane Grant All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of cereal nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL RANDOLPH VOORHIES OR SHANE GRANT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef CEREAL_ARCHIVES_JSON_HPP_ #define CEREAL_ARCHIVES_JSON_HPP_ #include "cereal/cereal.hpp" #include "cereal/details/util.hpp" namespace cereal { //! An exception thrown when rapidjson fails an internal assertion /*! @ingroup Utility */ struct RapidJSONException : Exception { RapidJSONException( const char * what_ ) : Exception( what_ ) {} }; } // Inform rapidjson that assert will throw #ifndef CEREAL_RAPIDJSON_ASSERT_THROWS #define CEREAL_RAPIDJSON_ASSERT_THROWS #endif // CEREAL_RAPIDJSON_ASSERT_THROWS // Override rapidjson assertions to throw exceptions by default #ifndef CEREAL_RAPIDJSON_ASSERT #define CEREAL_RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(x) if(!(x)){ \ throw ::cereal::RapidJSONException("rapidjson internal assertion failure: " #x); } #endif // RAPIDJSON_ASSERT // Enable support for parsing of nan, inf, -inf #ifndef CEREAL_RAPIDJSON_WRITE_DEFAULT_FLAGS #define CEREAL_RAPIDJSON_WRITE_DEFAULT_FLAGS kWriteNanAndInfFlag #endif // Enable support for parsing of nan, inf, -inf #ifndef CEREAL_RAPIDJSON_PARSE_DEFAULT_FLAGS #define CEREAL_RAPIDJSON_PARSE_DEFAULT_FLAGS kParseFullPrecisionFlag | kParseNanAndInfFlag #endif #include "cereal/external/rapidjson/prettywriter.h" #include "cereal/external/rapidjson/ostreamwrapper.h" #include "cereal/external/rapidjson/istreamwrapper.h" #include "cereal/external/rapidjson/document.h" #include "cereal/external/base64.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include namespace cereal { // ###################################################################### //! An output archive designed to save data to JSON /*! This archive uses RapidJSON to build serialize data to JSON. JSON archives provides a human readable output but at decreased performance (both in time and space) compared to binary archives. JSON archives are only guaranteed to finish flushing their contents upon destruction and should thus be used in an RAII fashion. JSON benefits greatly from name-value pairs, which if present, will name the nodes in the output. If these are not present, each level of the output will be given an automatically generated delimited name. The precision of the output archive controls the number of decimals output for floating point numbers and should be sufficiently large (i.e. at least 20) if there is a desire to have binary equality between the numbers output and those read in. In general you should expect a loss of precision when going from floating point to text and back. JSON archives do not output the size information for any dynamically sized structure and instead infer it from the number of children for a node. This means that data can be hand edited for dynamic sized structures and will still be readable. This is accomplished through the cereal::SizeTag object, which will cause the archive to output the data as a JSON array (e.g. marked by [] instead of {}), which indicates that the container is variable sized and may be edited. \ingroup Archives */ class JSONOutputArchive : public OutputArchive, public traits::TextArchive { enum class NodeType { StartObject, InObject, StartArray, InArray }; using WriteStream = CEREAL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::OStreamWrapper; using JSONWriter = CEREAL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::PrettyWriter; public: /*! @name Common Functionality Common use cases for directly interacting with an JSONOutputArchive */ //! @{ //! A class containing various advanced options for the JSON archive class Options { public: //! Default options static Options Default(){ return Options(); } //! Default options with no indentation static Options NoIndent(){ return Options( JSONWriter::kDefaultMaxDecimalPlaces, IndentChar::space, 0 ); } //! The character to use for indenting enum class IndentChar : char { space = ' ', tab = '\t', newline = '\n', carriage_return = '\r' }; //! Specify specific options for the JSONOutputArchive /*! @param precision The precision used for floating point numbers @param indentChar The type of character to indent with @param indentLength The number of indentChar to use for indentation (0 corresponds to no indentation) */ explicit Options( int precision = JSONWriter::kDefaultMaxDecimalPlaces, IndentChar indentChar = IndentChar::space, unsigned int indentLength = 4 ) : itsPrecision( precision ), itsIndentChar( static_cast(indentChar) ), itsIndentLength( indentLength ) { } private: friend class JSONOutputArchive; int itsPrecision; char itsIndentChar; unsigned int itsIndentLength; }; //! Construct, outputting to the provided stream /*! @param stream The stream to output to. @param options The JSON specific options to use. See the Options struct for the values of default parameters */ JSONOutputArchive(std::ostream & stream, Options const & options = Options::Default() ) : OutputArchive(this), itsWriteStream(stream), itsWriter(itsWriteStream), itsNextName(nullptr) { itsWriter.SetMaxDecimalPlaces( options.itsPrecision ); itsWriter.SetIndent( options.itsIndentChar, options.itsIndentLength ); itsNameCounter.push(0); itsNodeStack.push(NodeType::StartObject); } //! Destructor, flushes the JSON ~JSONOutputArchive() CEREAL_NOEXCEPT { if (itsNodeStack.top() == NodeType::InObject) itsWriter.EndObject(); else if (itsNodeStack.top() == NodeType::InArray) itsWriter.EndArray(); } //! Saves some binary data, encoded as a base64 string, with an optional name /*! This will create a new node, optionally named, and insert a value that consists of the data encoded as a base64 string */ void saveBinaryValue( const void * data, size_t size, const char * name = nullptr ) { setNextName( name ); writeName(); auto base64string = base64::encode( reinterpret_cast( data ), size ); saveValue( base64string ); }; //! @} /*! @name Internal Functionality Functionality designed for use by those requiring control over the inner mechanisms of the JSONOutputArchive */ //! @{ //! Starts a new node in the JSON output /*! The node can optionally be given a name by calling setNextName prior to creating the node Nodes only need to be started for types that are themselves objects or arrays */ void startNode() { writeName(); itsNodeStack.push(NodeType::StartObject); itsNameCounter.push(0); } //! Designates the most recently added node as finished void finishNode() { // if we ended up serializing an empty object or array, writeName // will never have been called - so start and then immediately end // the object/array. // // We'll also end any object/arrays we happen to be in switch(itsNodeStack.top()) { case NodeType::StartArray: itsWriter.StartArray(); // fall through case NodeType::InArray: itsWriter.EndArray(); break; case NodeType::StartObject: itsWriter.StartObject(); // fall through case NodeType::InObject: itsWriter.EndObject(); break; } itsNodeStack.pop(); itsNameCounter.pop(); } //! Sets the name for the next node created with startNode void setNextName( const char * name ) { itsNextName = name; } //! Saves a bool to the current node void saveValue(bool b) { itsWriter.Bool(b); } //! Saves an int to the current node void saveValue(int i) { itsWriter.Int(i); } //! Saves a uint to the current node void saveValue(unsigned u) { itsWriter.Uint(u); } //! Saves an int64 to the current node void saveValue(int64_t i64) { itsWriter.Int64(i64); } //! Saves a uint64 to the current node void saveValue(uint64_t u64) { itsWriter.Uint64(u64); } //! Saves a double to the current node void saveValue(double d) { itsWriter.Double(d); } //! Saves a string to the current node void saveValue(std::string const & s) { itsWriter.String(s.c_str(), static_cast( s.size() )); } //! Saves a const char * to the current node void saveValue(char const * s) { itsWriter.String(s); } //! Saves a nullptr to the current node void saveValue(std::nullptr_t) { itsWriter.Null(); } private: // Some compilers/OS have difficulty disambiguating the above for various flavors of longs, so we provide // special overloads to handle these cases. //! 32 bit signed long saving to current node template ::value> = traits::sfinae> inline void saveLong(T l){ saveValue( static_cast( l ) ); } //! non 32 bit signed long saving to current node template ::value> = traits::sfinae> inline void saveLong(T l){ saveValue( static_cast( l ) ); } //! 32 bit unsigned long saving to current node template ::value> = traits::sfinae> inline void saveLong(T lu){ saveValue( static_cast( lu ) ); } //! non 32 bit unsigned long saving to current node template ::value> = traits::sfinae> inline void saveLong(T lu){ saveValue( static_cast( lu ) ); } public: #ifdef _MSC_VER //! MSVC only long overload to current node void saveValue( unsigned long lu ){ saveLong( lu ); }; #else // _MSC_VER //! Serialize a long if it would not be caught otherwise template ::value, !std::is_same::value, !std::is_same::value> = traits::sfinae> inline void saveValue( T t ){ saveLong( t ); } //! Serialize an unsigned long if it would not be caught otherwise template ::value, !std::is_same::value, !std::is_same::value> = traits::sfinae> inline void saveValue( T t ){ saveLong( t ); } #endif // _MSC_VER //! Save exotic arithmetic as strings to current node /*! Handles long long (if distinct from other types), unsigned long (if distinct), and long double */ template ::value, !std::is_same::value, !std::is_same::value, !std::is_same::value, !std::is_same::value, (sizeof(T) >= sizeof(long double) || sizeof(T) >= sizeof(long long))> = traits::sfinae> inline void saveValue(T const & t) { std::stringstream ss; ss.precision( std::numeric_limits::max_digits10 ); ss << t; saveValue( ss.str() ); } //! Write the name of the upcoming node and prepare object/array state /*! Since writeName is called for every value that is output, regardless of whether it has a name or not, it is the place where we will do a deferred check of our node state and decide whether we are in an array or an object. The general workflow of saving to the JSON archive is: 1. (optional) Set the name for the next node to be created, usually done by an NVP 2. Start the node 3. (if there is data to save) Write the name of the node (this function) 4. (if there is data to save) Save the data (with saveValue) 5. Finish the node */ void writeName() { NodeType const & nodeType = itsNodeStack.top(); // Start up either an object or an array, depending on state if(nodeType == NodeType::StartArray) { itsWriter.StartArray(); itsNodeStack.top() = NodeType::InArray; } else if(nodeType == NodeType::StartObject) { itsNodeStack.top() = NodeType::InObject; itsWriter.StartObject(); } // Array types do not output names if(nodeType == NodeType::InArray) return; if(itsNextName == nullptr) { std::string name = "value" + std::to_string( itsNameCounter.top()++ ) + "\0"; saveValue(name); } else { saveValue(itsNextName); itsNextName = nullptr; } } //! Designates that the current node should be output as an array, not an object void makeArray() { itsNodeStack.top() = NodeType::StartArray; } //! @} private: WriteStream itsWriteStream; //!< Rapidjson write stream JSONWriter itsWriter; //!< Rapidjson writer char const * itsNextName; //!< The next name std::stack itsNameCounter; //!< Counter for creating unique names for unnamed nodes std::stack itsNodeStack; }; // JSONOutputArchive // ###################################################################### //! An input archive designed to load data from JSON /*! This archive uses RapidJSON to read in a JSON archive. As with the output JSON archive, the preferred way to use this archive is in an RAII fashion, ensuring its destruction after all data has been read. Input JSON should have been produced by the JSONOutputArchive. Data can only be added to dynamically sized containers (marked by JSON arrays) - the input archive will determine their size by looking at the number of child nodes. Only JSON originating from a JSONOutputArchive is officially supported, but data from other sources may work if properly formatted. The JSONInputArchive does not require that nodes are loaded in the same order they were saved by JSONOutputArchive. Using name value pairs (NVPs), it is possible to load in an out of order fashion or otherwise skip/select specific nodes to load. The default behavior of the input archive is to read sequentially starting with the first node and exploring its children. When a given NVP does not match the read in name for a node, the archive will search for that node at the current level and load it if it exists. After loading an out of order node, the archive will then proceed back to loading sequentially from its new position. Consider this simple example where loading of some data is skipped: @code{cpp} // imagine the input file has someData(1-9) saved in order at the top level node ar( someData1, someData2, someData3 ); // XML loads in the order it sees in the file ar( cereal::make_nvp( "hello", someData6 ) ); // NVP given does not // match expected NVP name, so we search // for the given NVP and load that value ar( someData7, someData8, someData9 ); // with no NVP given, loading resumes at its // current location, proceeding sequentially @endcode \ingroup Archives */ class JSONInputArchive : public InputArchive, public traits::TextArchive { private: using ReadStream = CEREAL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::IStreamWrapper; typedef CEREAL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::GenericValue> JSONValue; typedef JSONValue::ConstMemberIterator MemberIterator; typedef JSONValue::ConstValueIterator ValueIterator; typedef CEREAL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Document::GenericValue GenericValue; public: /*! @name Common Functionality Common use cases for directly interacting with an JSONInputArchive */ //! @{ //! Construct, reading from the provided stream /*! @param stream The stream to read from */ JSONInputArchive(std::istream & stream) : InputArchive(this), itsNextName( nullptr ), itsReadStream(stream) { itsDocument.ParseStream<>(itsReadStream); if (itsDocument.IsArray()) itsIteratorStack.emplace_back(itsDocument.Begin(), itsDocument.End()); else itsIteratorStack.emplace_back(itsDocument.MemberBegin(), itsDocument.MemberEnd()); } ~JSONInputArchive() CEREAL_NOEXCEPT = default; //! Loads some binary data, encoded as a base64 string /*! This will automatically start and finish a node to load the data, and can be called directly by users. Note that this follows the same ordering rules specified in the class description in regards to loading in/out of order */ void loadBinaryValue( void * data, size_t size, const char * name = nullptr ) { itsNextName = name; std::string encoded; loadValue( encoded ); auto decoded = base64::decode( encoded ); if( size != decoded.size() ) throw Exception("Decoded binary data size does not match specified size"); std::memcpy( data, decoded.data(), decoded.size() ); itsNextName = nullptr; }; private: //! @} /*! @name Internal Functionality Functionality designed for use by those requiring control over the inner mechanisms of the JSONInputArchive */ //! @{ //! An internal iterator that handles both array and object types /*! This class is a variant and holds both types of iterators that rapidJSON supports - one for arrays and one for objects. */ class Iterator { public: Iterator() : itsIndex( 0 ), itsType(Null_) {} Iterator(MemberIterator begin, MemberIterator end) : itsMemberItBegin(begin), itsMemberItEnd(end), itsIndex(0), itsType(Member) { if( std::distance( begin, end ) == 0 ) itsType = Null_; } Iterator(ValueIterator begin, ValueIterator end) : itsValueItBegin(begin), itsIndex(0), itsType(Value) { if( std::distance( begin, end ) == 0 ) itsType = Null_; } //! Advance to the next node Iterator & operator++() { ++itsIndex; return *this; } //! Get the value of the current node GenericValue const & value() { switch(itsType) { case Value : return itsValueItBegin[itsIndex]; case Member: return itsMemberItBegin[itsIndex].value; default: throw cereal::Exception("JSONInputArchive internal error: null or empty iterator to object or array!"); } } //! Get the name of the current node, or nullptr if it has no name const char * name() const { if( itsType == Member && (itsMemberItBegin + itsIndex) != itsMemberItEnd ) return itsMemberItBegin[itsIndex].name.GetString(); else return nullptr; } //! Adjust our position such that we are at the node with the given name /*! @throws Exception if no such named node exists */ inline void search( const char * searchName ) { const auto len = std::strlen( searchName ); size_t index = 0; for( auto it = itsMemberItBegin; it != itsMemberItEnd; ++it, ++index ) { const auto currentName = it->name.GetString(); if( ( std::strncmp( searchName, currentName, len ) == 0 ) && ( std::strlen( currentName ) == len ) ) { itsIndex = index; return; } } throw Exception("JSON Parsing failed - provided NVP (" + std::string(searchName) + ") not found"); } private: MemberIterator itsMemberItBegin, itsMemberItEnd; //!< The member iterator (object) ValueIterator itsValueItBegin; //!< The value iterator (array) size_t itsIndex; //!< The current index of this iterator enum Type {Value, Member, Null_} itsType; //!< Whether this holds values (array) or members (objects) or nothing }; //! Searches for the expectedName node if it doesn't match the actualName /*! This needs to be called before every load or node start occurs. This function will check to see if an NVP has been provided (with setNextName) and if so, see if that name matches the actual next name given. If the names do not match, it will search in the current level of the JSON for that name. If the name is not found, an exception will be thrown. Resets the NVP name after called. @throws Exception if an expectedName is given and not found */ inline void search() { // The name an NVP provided with setNextName() if( itsNextName ) { // The actual name of the current node auto const actualName = itsIteratorStack.back().name(); // Do a search if we don't see a name coming up, or if the names don't match if( !actualName || std::strcmp( itsNextName, actualName ) != 0 ) itsIteratorStack.back().search( itsNextName ); } itsNextName = nullptr; } public: //! Starts a new node, going into its proper iterator /*! This places an iterator for the next node to be parsed onto the iterator stack. If the next node is an array, this will be a value iterator, otherwise it will be a member iterator. By default our strategy is to start with the document root node and then recursively iterate through all children in the order they show up in the document. We don't need to know NVPs to do this; we'll just blindly load in the order things appear in. If we were given an NVP, we will search for it if it does not match our the name of the next node that would normally be loaded. This functionality is provided by search(). */ void startNode() { search(); if(itsIteratorStack.back().value().IsArray()) itsIteratorStack.emplace_back(itsIteratorStack.back().value().Begin(), itsIteratorStack.back().value().End()); else itsIteratorStack.emplace_back(itsIteratorStack.back().value().MemberBegin(), itsIteratorStack.back().value().MemberEnd()); } //! Finishes the most recently started node void finishNode() { itsIteratorStack.pop_back(); ++itsIteratorStack.back(); } //! Retrieves the current node name /*! @return nullptr if no name exists */ const char * getNodeName() const { return itsIteratorStack.back().name(); } //! Sets the name for the next node created with startNode void setNextName( const char * name ) { itsNextName = name; } //! Loads a value from the current node - small signed overload template ::value, sizeof(T) < sizeof(int64_t)> = traits::sfinae> inline void loadValue(T & val) { search(); val = static_cast( itsIteratorStack.back().value().GetInt() ); ++itsIteratorStack.back(); } //! Loads a value from the current node - small unsigned overload template ::value, sizeof(T) < sizeof(uint64_t), !std::is_same::value> = traits::sfinae> inline void loadValue(T & val) { search(); val = static_cast( itsIteratorStack.back().value().GetUint() ); ++itsIteratorStack.back(); } //! Loads a value from the current node - bool overload void loadValue(bool & val) { search(); val = itsIteratorStack.back().value().GetBool(); ++itsIteratorStack.back(); } //! Loads a value from the current node - int64 overload void loadValue(int64_t & val) { search(); val = itsIteratorStack.back().value().GetInt64(); ++itsIteratorStack.back(); } //! Loads a value from the current node - uint64 overload void loadValue(uint64_t & val) { search(); val = itsIteratorStack.back().value().GetUint64(); ++itsIteratorStack.back(); } //! Loads a value from the current node - float overload void loadValue(float & val) { search(); val = static_cast(itsIteratorStack.back().value().GetDouble()); ++itsIteratorStack.back(); } //! Loads a value from the current node - double overload void loadValue(double & val) { search(); val = itsIteratorStack.back().value().GetDouble(); ++itsIteratorStack.back(); } //! Loads a value from the current node - string overload void loadValue(std::string & val) { search(); val = itsIteratorStack.back().value().GetString(); ++itsIteratorStack.back(); } //! Loads a nullptr from the current node void loadValue(std::nullptr_t&) { search(); CEREAL_RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(itsIteratorStack.back().value().IsNull()); ++itsIteratorStack.back(); } // Special cases to handle various flavors of long, which tend to conflict with // the int32_t or int64_t on various compiler/OS combinations. MSVC doesn't need any of this. #ifndef _MSC_VER private: //! 32 bit signed long loading from current node template inline typename std::enable_if::value, void>::type loadLong(T & l){ loadValue( reinterpret_cast( l ) ); } //! non 32 bit signed long loading from current node template inline typename std::enable_if::value, void>::type loadLong(T & l){ loadValue( reinterpret_cast( l ) ); } //! 32 bit unsigned long loading from current node template inline typename std::enable_if::value, void>::type loadLong(T & lu){ loadValue( reinterpret_cast( lu ) ); } //! non 32 bit unsigned long loading from current node template inline typename std::enable_if::value, void>::type loadLong(T & lu){ loadValue( reinterpret_cast( lu ) ); } public: //! Serialize a long if it would not be caught otherwise template inline typename std::enable_if::value && sizeof(T) >= sizeof(std::int64_t) && !std::is_same::value, void>::type loadValue( T & t ){ loadLong(t); } //! Serialize an unsigned long if it would not be caught otherwise template inline typename std::enable_if::value && sizeof(T) >= sizeof(std::uint64_t) && !std::is_same::value, void>::type loadValue( T & t ){ loadLong(t); } #endif // _MSC_VER private: //! Convert a string to a long long void stringToNumber( std::string const & str, long long & val ) { val = std::stoll( str ); } //! Convert a string to an unsigned long long void stringToNumber( std::string const & str, unsigned long long & val ) { val = std::stoull( str ); } //! Convert a string to a long double void stringToNumber( std::string const & str, long double & val ) { val = std::stold( str ); } public: //! Loads a value from the current node - long double and long long overloads template ::value, !std::is_same::value, !std::is_same::value, !std::is_same::value, !std::is_same::value, (sizeof(T) >= sizeof(long double) || sizeof(T) >= sizeof(long long))> = traits::sfinae> inline void loadValue(T & val) { std::string encoded; loadValue( encoded ); stringToNumber( encoded, val ); } //! Loads the size for a SizeTag void loadSize(size_type & size) { if (itsIteratorStack.size() == 1) size = itsDocument.Size(); else size = (itsIteratorStack.rbegin() + 1)->value().Size(); } //! @} private: const char * itsNextName; //!< Next name set by NVP ReadStream itsReadStream; //!< Rapidjson write stream std::vector itsIteratorStack; //!< 'Stack' of rapidJSON iterators CEREAL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Document itsDocument; //!< Rapidjson document }; // ###################################################################### // JSONArchive prologue and epilogue functions // ###################################################################### // ###################################################################### //! Prologue for NVPs for JSON archives /*! NVPs do not start or finish nodes - they just set up the names */ template inline void prologue( JSONOutputArchive &, NameValuePair const & ) { } //! Prologue for NVPs for JSON archives template inline void prologue( JSONInputArchive &, NameValuePair const & ) { } // ###################################################################### //! Epilogue for NVPs for JSON archives /*! NVPs do not start or finish nodes - they just set up the names */ template inline void epilogue( JSONOutputArchive &, NameValuePair const & ) { } //! Epilogue for NVPs for JSON archives /*! NVPs do not start or finish nodes - they just set up the names */ template inline void epilogue( JSONInputArchive &, NameValuePair const & ) { } // ###################################################################### //! Prologue for deferred data for JSON archives /*! Do nothing for the defer wrapper */ template inline void prologue( JSONOutputArchive &, DeferredData const & ) { } //! Prologue for deferred data for JSON archives template inline void prologue( JSONInputArchive &, DeferredData const & ) { } // ###################################################################### //! Epilogue for deferred for JSON archives /*! NVPs do not start or finish nodes - they just set up the names */ template inline void epilogue( JSONOutputArchive &, DeferredData const & ) { } //! Epilogue for deferred for JSON archives /*! Do nothing for the defer wrapper */ template inline void epilogue( JSONInputArchive &, DeferredData const & ) { } // ###################################################################### //! Prologue for SizeTags for JSON archives /*! SizeTags are strictly ignored for JSON, they just indicate that the current node should be made into an array */ template inline void prologue( JSONOutputArchive & ar, SizeTag const & ) { ar.makeArray(); } //! Prologue for SizeTags for JSON archives template inline void prologue( JSONInputArchive &, SizeTag const & ) { } // ###################################################################### //! Epilogue for SizeTags for JSON archives /*! SizeTags are strictly ignored for JSON */ template inline void epilogue( JSONOutputArchive &, SizeTag const & ) { } //! Epilogue for SizeTags for JSON archives template inline void epilogue( JSONInputArchive &, SizeTag const & ) { } // ###################################################################### //! Prologue for all other types for JSON archives (except minimal types) /*! Starts a new node, named either automatically or by some NVP, that may be given data by the type about to be archived Minimal types do not start or finish nodes */ template ::value, !traits::has_minimal_base_class_serialization::value, !traits::has_minimal_output_serialization::value> = traits::sfinae> inline void prologue( JSONOutputArchive & ar, T const & ) { ar.startNode(); } //! Prologue for all other types for JSON archives template ::value, !traits::has_minimal_base_class_serialization::value, !traits::has_minimal_input_serialization::value> = traits::sfinae> inline void prologue( JSONInputArchive & ar, T const & ) { ar.startNode(); } // ###################################################################### //! Epilogue for all other types other for JSON archives (except minimal types) /*! Finishes the node created in the prologue Minimal types do not start or finish nodes */ template ::value, !traits::has_minimal_base_class_serialization::value, !traits::has_minimal_output_serialization::value> = traits::sfinae> inline void epilogue( JSONOutputArchive & ar, T const & ) { ar.finishNode(); } //! Epilogue for all other types other for JSON archives template ::value, !traits::has_minimal_base_class_serialization::value, !traits::has_minimal_input_serialization::value> = traits::sfinae> inline void epilogue( JSONInputArchive & ar, T const & ) { ar.finishNode(); } // ###################################################################### //! Prologue for arithmetic types for JSON archives inline void prologue( JSONOutputArchive & ar, std::nullptr_t const & ) { ar.writeName(); } //! Prologue for arithmetic types for JSON archives inline void prologue( JSONInputArchive &, std::nullptr_t const & ) { } // ###################################################################### //! Epilogue for arithmetic types for JSON archives inline void epilogue( JSONOutputArchive &, std::nullptr_t const & ) { } //! Epilogue for arithmetic types for JSON archives inline void epilogue( JSONInputArchive &, std::nullptr_t const & ) { } // ###################################################################### //! Prologue for arithmetic types for JSON archives template ::value> = traits::sfinae> inline void prologue( JSONOutputArchive & ar, T const & ) { ar.writeName(); } //! Prologue for arithmetic types for JSON archives template ::value> = traits::sfinae> inline void prologue( JSONInputArchive &, T const & ) { } // ###################################################################### //! Epilogue for arithmetic types for JSON archives template ::value> = traits::sfinae> inline void epilogue( JSONOutputArchive &, T const & ) { } //! Epilogue for arithmetic types for JSON archives template ::value> = traits::sfinae> inline void epilogue( JSONInputArchive &, T const & ) { } // ###################################################################### //! Prologue for strings for JSON archives template inline void prologue(JSONOutputArchive & ar, std::basic_string const &) { ar.writeName(); } //! Prologue for strings for JSON archives template inline void prologue(JSONInputArchive &, std::basic_string const &) { } // ###################################################################### //! Epilogue for strings for JSON archives template inline void epilogue(JSONOutputArchive &, std::basic_string const &) { } //! Epilogue for strings for JSON archives template inline void epilogue(JSONInputArchive &, std::basic_string const &) { } // ###################################################################### // Common JSONArchive serialization functions // ###################################################################### //! Serializing NVP types to JSON template inline void CEREAL_SAVE_FUNCTION_NAME( JSONOutputArchive & ar, NameValuePair const & t ) { ar.setNextName( t.name ); ar( t.value ); } template inline void CEREAL_LOAD_FUNCTION_NAME( JSONInputArchive & ar, NameValuePair & t ) { ar.setNextName( t.name ); ar( t.value ); } //! Saving for nullptr to JSON inline void CEREAL_SAVE_FUNCTION_NAME(JSONOutputArchive & ar, std::nullptr_t const & t) { ar.saveValue( t ); } //! Loading arithmetic from JSON inline void CEREAL_LOAD_FUNCTION_NAME(JSONInputArchive & ar, std::nullptr_t & t) { ar.loadValue( t ); } //! Saving for arithmetic to JSON template ::value> = traits::sfinae> inline void CEREAL_SAVE_FUNCTION_NAME(JSONOutputArchive & ar, T const & t) { ar.saveValue( t ); } //! Loading arithmetic from JSON template ::value> = traits::sfinae> inline void CEREAL_LOAD_FUNCTION_NAME(JSONInputArchive & ar, T & t) { ar.loadValue( t ); } //! saving string to JSON template inline void CEREAL_SAVE_FUNCTION_NAME(JSONOutputArchive & ar, std::basic_string const & str) { ar.saveValue( str ); } //! loading string from JSON template inline void CEREAL_LOAD_FUNCTION_NAME(JSONInputArchive & ar, std::basic_string & str) { ar.loadValue( str ); } // ###################################################################### //! Saving SizeTags to JSON template inline void CEREAL_SAVE_FUNCTION_NAME( JSONOutputArchive &, SizeTag const & ) { // nothing to do here, we don't explicitly save the size } //! Loading SizeTags from JSON template inline void CEREAL_LOAD_FUNCTION_NAME( JSONInputArchive & ar, SizeTag & st ) { ar.loadSize( st.size ); } } // namespace cereal // register archives for polymorphic support CEREAL_REGISTER_ARCHIVE(cereal::JSONInputArchive) CEREAL_REGISTER_ARCHIVE(cereal::JSONOutputArchive) // tie input and output archives together CEREAL_SETUP_ARCHIVE_TRAITS(cereal::JSONInputArchive, cereal::JSONOutputArchive) #endif // CEREAL_ARCHIVES_JSON_HPP_