histogram.ccp was added.

This commit is contained in:
davoudn 2024-04-24 14:28:31 +03:30
parent 9478b3a802
commit c5ee50737c
3 changed files with 76 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -5,13 +5,25 @@
#include <array>
#include <random>
template <int N>
void accumulate(std::array<double, N>& histogram, double val, double upper, double lower){
double del {(upper-lower)/N};
for (int i{0}; i < N; i++){
if ( val > i*del && val < (i+1) * del )
int main() {
// set up random-number generation
std::random_device rd; // used to seed the default_random_engine
std::default_random_engine engine{rd()}; // rd() produces a seed
std::uniform_int_distribution randomDie{0, 6};
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> randomReal{0, 1};
double upper_bound = 1;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> randomReal{0, upper_bound};
constexpr size_t arraySize{7}; // ignore element zero
std::array<int, arraySize> frequency{}; // initialize to 0s
@ -22,9 +34,11 @@ int main() {
// roll die 60,000,000 times; use die value as frequency index
for (int roll{1}; roll <= 60'000'000; ++roll) {
// randomReal(engine);
std::cout << "Face " << " Frequency \n";
// output each array element's value

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
// fig06_07.cpp
// Die-rolling program using an array instead of switch.
//#include <format> // C++20: This will be #include <format>
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <random>
template <int N>
void accumulate(std::array<double, N>& histogram, double val, double lower, double upper){
double del {(upper-lower)/N};
for (int i{0}; i < N; i++){
if ( val > i*del && val < (i+1) * del )
int main() {
// set up random-number generation
std::random_device rd; // used to seed the default_random_engine
std::default_random_engine engine{rd()}; // rd() produces a seed
double upper_bound = 1;
double lower_bound = 0;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> randomReal{lower_bound, upper_bound};
constexpr size_t N{10};
double del {(upper_bound-lower_bound)/N};
std::array<double, N> histogram{};
// roll die 60,000 times; use die value as frequency index
for (int roll{1}; roll <= 60'000; ++roll) {
double val{ randomReal(engine)};
accumulate<N>(histogram, val, lower_bound, upper_bound);
std::cout << " Histogram : \n";
// output each array element's value
for (size_t face{1}; face < histogram.size(); ++face) {
std::cout <<"Number of samples between " << lower_bound+face*del << " and " << lower_bound+(face+1)*del << " is " << histogram.at(face) << "\n";
* (C) Copyright 1992-2022 by Deitel & Associates, Inc. and *
* Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* *
* DISCLAIMER: The authors and publisher of this book have used their *
* best efforts in preparing the book. These efforts include the *
* development, research, and testing of the theories and programs *
* to determine their effectiveness. The authors and publisher make *
* no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these *
* programs or to the documentation contained in these books. The authors *
* and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or *
* consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the *
* furnishing, performance, or use of these programs. *