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2024-04-09 06:45:18 +00:00
// fig20_08.cpp
// Demonstrate shared_ptrs.
#include <algorithm>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
// class Book
class Book {
explicit Book(std::string_view bookTitle) : title{bookTitle} {}
~Book() { std::cout << fmt::format("Destroying Book: {}\n", title); }
std::string title; // title of the Book
// a custom delete function for a pointer to a Book
void deleteBook(Book* book) {
std::cout << "Custom deleter for a Book, ";
delete book; // delete the Book pointer
// compare the titles of two Books for sorting
bool compareTitles(
std::shared_ptr<Book> ptr1, std::shared_ptr<Book> ptr2) {
return (ptr1->title < ptr2->title);
int main() {
// create a shared_ptr to a Book and display the reference count
std::shared_ptr<Book> bookPtr{
std::make_shared<Book>("C++ How to Program")};
std::cout << fmt::format("Reference count for Book {} is: {}\n",
bookPtr->title, bookPtr.use_count());
// create another shared_ptr to the Book and display reference count
std::shared_ptr<Book> bookPtr2{bookPtr};
std::cout << fmt::format("Reference count for Book {} is: {}\n",
bookPtr->title, bookPtr.use_count());
// change the Book<6F>s title and access it from both pointers
bookPtr2->title = "Java How to Program";
std::cout << fmt::format(
"Updated Book title:\nbookPtr: {}\nbookPtr2: {}\n",
bookPtr->title, bookPtr2->title);
// create a std::vector of shared_ptrs to Books (BookPtrs)
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Book>> books{
std::make_shared<Book>("C How to Program"),
std::make_shared<Book>("Intro to Python"),
std::make_shared<Book>("C# How to Program"),
std::make_shared<Book>("C++ How to Program")};
// print the Books in the vector
std::cout << "\nBooks before sorting:\n";
for (auto book : books) {
std::cout << book->title << "\n";
// sort the vector by Book title and print the sorted vector
std::sort(books.begin(), books.end(), compareTitles);
std::cout << "\nBooks after sorting:\n";
for (auto book : books) {
std::cout << book->title << "\n";
// create a shared_ptr with a custom deleter
std::cout << "\nshared_ptr with a custom deleter.\n";
std::shared_ptr<Book> bookPtr3{
new Book("Android How to Program"), deleteBook};
bookPtr3.reset(); // release the Book this shared_ptr manages
// shared_ptrs are going out of scope
std::cout << "\nEnd of main: shared_ptr objects going out of scope.\n";
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* DISCLAIMER: The authors and publisher of this book have used their *
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